50 Times The Wackiest Yet Hilarious Headlines On Local News Got Celebrated In This Twitter Page

This page posts images of the most bizarre and amusing headlines and passages from articles ever published

  • Published in Funny
50 Times The Wackiest Yet Hilarious Headlines On Local News Got Celebrated In This Twitter Page

Any breaking news always gets people's attention. We'll do our best to report on it, but don't be surprised if there are a few mistakes we later have to fix.

The most crucial aspect is that we'll use a crazy headline to catch your attention and, ideally, enable us to go viral on Twitter in the future. The story will be updated, but for now, that is all we have to say.

An unpleasant experience can result from watching or reading the news. Atrocities and tragedies seem to be the only things reported at times.

Don't get me wrong; it's critical that we remain informed about current events, good, bad, and ugly. But every now and then, it's enjoyable to pause and consider some of the silliest and most absurd headlines to ever appear in print. That is the focus of the [Odd] Local News Twitter account and they don't discriminate; however, the account mostly concentrates on the UK.

We are all aware that bizarre events occur frequently around the world, and many of them make news headlines. We've therefore traveled through the Twitter account of this account, which is committed to publishing the most absurd headlines and humorous typo corrections ever to appear in the news, for your amusement.

More info: Twitter

1. Couple selling tickets to heaven

1. Couple selling tickets to heavenCr*pLocalNews

2. Gotta be careful while waving at man dressed as snickers bar

2. Gotta be careful while waving at man dressed as snickers barCr*pLocalNews

3. Breaking News

3. Breaking NewsCr*pLocalNews

4. He really never saw it coming

4. He really never saw it comingCr*pLocalNews

5. Happy birthday, pothole

5. Happy birthday, potholeCr*pLocalNews

6. Natural disasters

6. Natural disastersCr*pLocalNews

7. The cat doesn't care about no ban

7. The cat doesn't care about no banCr*pLocalNews

8. You can't catch me, fatty

8. You can't catch me, fattyCr*pLocalNews

9. Goat loves a duck costume

9. Goat loves a duck costumeCr*pLocalNews

10. Really?

10. Really?Cr*pLocalNews

11. Missing jacket found at home

11. Missing jacket found at homeCr*pLocalNews

12. Man screaming at spider

12. Man screaming at spiderCr*pLocalNews

13. Cheese addiction

13. Cheese addictionCr*pLocalNews

14. About the fire incident

14. About the fire incidentCr*pLocalNews

15. The question lingers

15. The question lingersCr*pLocalNews

16. His wife was beautiful and feminine

16. His wife was beautiful and feminineCr*pLocalNews

17. That is definitely no unicorn

17. That is definitely no unicornCr*pLocalNews

18. The owls are not what they seem

18. The owls are not what they seemCr*pLocalNews

19. Oh no

19. Oh noCr*pLocalNews

20. Separate the parrots

20. Separate the parrotsCr*pLocalNews

21. Animals can photobomb too

21. Animals can photobomb tooCr*pLocalNews

22. The judge described her as a mess

22. The judge described her as a messCr*pLocalNews

23. No way!

23. No way!Cr*pLocalNews

24. Lick Back In Anger

24. Lick Back In AngerCr*pLocalNews

25. The bear just wants the cupcake

25. The bear just wants the cupcakeCr*pLocalNews

26. It's hide and seek after all

26. It's hide and seek after allCr*pLocalNews

27. A cardboard cutout of Arnold Schwarzenegger

27. A cardboard cutout of Arnold SchwarzeneggerCr*pLocalNews

28. Just trying to find the dog

28. Just trying to find the dogCr*pLocalNews

29. The sentinel regrets the error

29. The sentinel regrets the errorCr*pLocalNews

30. We apologize for any offence

30. We apologize for any offenceCr*pLocalNews

31. Where's Dave?

31. Where's Dave?Cr*pLocalNews

32. Lol... What!

32. Lol... What!Cr*pLocalNews

33. My goodness

33. My goodnessCr*pLocalNews

34. A senseless tragedy

34. A senseless tragedyCr*pLocalNews

35. Do something, firefighters

35. Do something, firefightersCr*pLocalNews

36. It was just a burrito

36. It was just a burritoCr*pLocalNews

37. How devastating

37. How devastatingCr*pLocalNews

38. Chicken gangs run riot

38. Chicken gangs run riotCr*pLocalNews

39. When a commander looks like a kebab

39. When a commander looks like a kebabCr*pLocalNews

40. Not a wise burglar

40. Not a wise burglarCr*pLocalNews

41. So sad

41. So sadCr*pLocalNews

42. Lol

42. LolCr*pLocalNews

43. I am Jack Sparrow

43. I am Jack SparrowCr*pLocalNews

44. Lol... When they finally find out, it's going to be epic

44. Lol... When they finally find out, it's going to be epicCr*pLocalNews

45. Such a relief

45. Such a reliefCr*pLocalNews

46. Extra biscuits?

46. Extra biscuits?Cr*pLocalNews

47. Who did that?

47. Who did that?Cr*pLocalNews

48. Gran theft auto

48. Gran theft autoCr*pLocalNews

49. Got you real good

49. Got you real goodCr*pLocalNews

50. Anonymous that isn't anonymous

50. Anonymous that isn't anonymousCr*pLocalNews

According to their bio, they also share headlines from "beyond" as well as regional news. The fact that headlines may have a significant impact on viewers is one thing that this Twitter account makes abundantly clear.

Most of these stories' headlines alone have the ability to sway our opinions of them before we've even read them. We can quickly determine whether a headline is hilarious, interesting, irritate us, or uplifts us.
