60 Of The Funniest Signs People Shared On Twitter

"Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again”

  • Published in Funny
60 Of The Funniest Signs People Shared On Twitter

In general, posted signs are up for an apparent reason - to inform those who see them. Whether it’s a general rule, warning, an answer to frequently asked questions, a request for help, or just basic information, signs are across-the-board informational.

While we’ve covered ominous signs in the past, we stumbled across a Twitter thread of hilarious signs to share with you today. Content creator @Kwintarget, aka ‘drone on a cruise,’ created a now-viral thread dedicated solely to “Funny signs that will have you rolling on the floor.”

With over 5,000 likes and over 2,000 retweets, his collection definitely hit the mark with his followers and beyond. @Kwintarget was kind enough to answer some questions about his thread and share a bit about himself as a content creator.

@Kwintarget agreed that the type of fonts used is the most important tool when making signs. "However, a readable and understandable sign will do better. You can dip humor and be a little extra, works for some."

He believes "laughter can go a long way," and it's a big part of why he enjoys making similar funny threads. "Speaking for myself, memes and funny tweets make me loosen up a bit after a long day, and I’m sure most people relate to that," he said.

As a content creator, he tries to be diverse and touch upon various topics. "I don’t stick to only one topic, let’s say movies."

"Of course, it’s not always about comedy. It could be educational and inspirational like the thread I made about mirrors and cameras," he shared. "I’m also original. I don’t steal my ideas from other people's threads. I’m quite knowledgeable with a little bit of research to make it work."

Regardless of the number of likes or retweets, how it makes people feel is important. There is immense power in a smile or chuckle.

Keep scrolling to see some of the best signs from the thread!

1. A boy with pre-meditated flower intentions

1. A boy with pre-meditated flower intentionsKwintarget

2. Definitely not suspicious

2. Definitely not suspiciousKwintarget

3. Hopefully that's a typo

3. Hopefully that's a typoKwintarget

4. A lot of men do this

4. A lot of men do thisKwintarget

5. Are they offering a job?

5. Are they offering a job?Kwintarget

6. Don't do drugs

6. Don't do drugsKwintarget

7. Free condom

7. Free condomKwintarget

8. Cheaper than therapy

8. Cheaper than therapyKwintarget

9. Who wants to help blow a squirrels mind?

9. Who wants to help blow a squirrels mind?Kwintarget

10. Easiest busking job ever

10. Easiest busking job everKwintarget

11. How many trespassers have they had?

11. How many trespassers have they had?Kwintarget

12. At least they're self aware

12. At least they're self awareKwintarget

13. Clean up after your pup, or teach them to do it

13. Clean up after your pup, or teach them to do itKwintarget

14. Just a bit

14. Just a bitKwintarget

15. Gotta actually make it *in* the urinal

15. Gotta actually make it *in* the urinalKwintarget

16. Finally, no expectations from women

16. Finally, no expectations from womenKwintarget

17. Thanks, Will Smith

17. Thanks, Will SmithKwintarget

18. I'm faster at running than calculating, but still not that fast

18. I'm faster at running than calculating, but still not that fastKwintarget

19. Realistic problem solving

19. Realistic problem solvingKwintarget

20. No judgment

20. No judgmentKwintarget

21. Gotta love a good play on words

21. Gotta love a good play on wordsKwintarget

22. Or live your best life and ignore random chalk signs

22. Or live your best life and ignore random chalk signsKwintarget

23. That's one way to encourage people to follow policies

23. That's one way to encourage people to follow policiesKwintarget

24. Snitches get stitches

24. Snitches get stitchesKwintarget

25. Be considerate of the buns

25. Be considerate of the bunsKwintarget

26. *insert misogynistic joke here*

26. *insert misogynistic joke here*Kwintarget

27. Just get to the point and get out

27. Just get to the point and get outKwintarget

28. Pew pew

28. Pew pewKwintarget

29. *Except for bells

29. *Except for bellsKwintarget

30. Interesting way to think about your congregation

30. Interesting way to think about your congregationKwintarget

31. Who would have thought

31. Who would have thoughtKwintarget

32. Please be kind to the animals

32. Please be kind to the animalsKwintarget

33. Unlesss you're a fundamentalist Mormon...

33. Unlesss you're a fundamentalist Mormon...Kwintarget

34. Clever marketing

34. Clever marketingKwintarget

35. *insert another misogynistic joke here, but make it infantilizing*

35. *insert another misogynistic joke here, but make it infantilizing*Kwintarget

36. Welp, sucks for them

36. Welp, sucks for themKwintarget

37. Simple enough

37. Simple enoughKwintarget

38. Someone get this guy a taco

38. Someone get this guy a tacoKwintarget

39. Okay, but now I'm curious as to why and what will happen

39. Okay, but now I'm curious as to why and what will happenKwintarget

40. Dang, Linnie

40. Dang, LinnieKwintarget

41. I wonder if they caught him

41. I wonder if they caught himKwintarget

42. "Folks are dying for our services"

42. Kwintarget

43. Seems legit

43. Seems legitKwintarget

44. Do...do they think that's where the pee is stored? Otherwise, the punishment doesn't quite fit the crime

44. Do...do they think that's where the pee is stored? Otherwise, the punishment doesn't quite fit the crimeKwintarget

45. Typical

45. TypicalKwintarget

46. Good point, but what if it IS

46. Good point, but what if it ISKwintarget

47. It's just not structurally sound

47. It's just not structurally soundKwintarget

48. Replace 'generous' with 'competitive'

48. Replace 'generous' with 'competitive'Kwintarget

49. Why did this need to be made

49. Why did this need to be madeKwintarget

50. Oh no

50. Oh noKwintarget

51. Maybe not an award you'd want to brag about

51. Maybe not an award you'd want to brag aboutKwintarget

52. Weapons may be cheaper

52. Weapons may be cheaperKwintarget

53. It's a win/win

53. It's a win/winKwintarget

54. They know how short it is

54. They know how short it isKwintarget

55. Someone should create an image preview generator for sliding car doors

55. Someone should create an image preview generator for sliding car doorsKwintarget

56. Good life advice in general

56. Good life advice in generalKwintarget

57. I for one, would keep this design even if there was a preview warning

57. I for one, would keep this design even if there was a preview warningKwintarget

58. I... I just don't understand

58. I... I just don't understandKwintarget

59. Love makes you do silly things

59. Love makes you do silly thingsKwintarget

60. An opportunity they couldn't pass up

60. An opportunity they couldn't pass upKwintarget

61. I mean, obvious photoshop, but good for Mike

61. I mean, obvious photoshop, but good for MikeKwintarget

While these signs were funny, they also showed what not to do. Whether your sign is meant to be serious, silly, or intentionally amusing, it definitely matters how you put it together.

Ensure the colors, fonts, and placement of the words and any illustrations don’t clash or make the sign unreadable. A little mistake can completely change the intended message.

Have you ever made a mistake that impacted the message you were trying to convey? Drop a comment below to let us know about your experiences and include which of the signs from this list were your favorite.

For more fun, check out @Kwintarget's other funny threads.
