50 Tweets From Scottish People Showing Off Their Sense Of Humor, And They're Pretty Hilarious
Apparently, the Scottish people have an amazing sense of humor!

What is the first thing that springs to mind when you think of Scotland? Perhaps it's the gorgeous, rolling hillsides or the legend of the Loch Ness Monster?
Perhaps it takes your brain a little longer to process the sound of strong bagpipes or kind individuals speaking with an accent. Whatever it is that you adore most about this lovely nation and its people, we urge you to include Scottish comedy on that list as well.
Since 2015, there has been a Scottish People Twitter subreddit that keeps track of all the funniest interactions and events that Scots have tweeted about. Given that Scotland only has 5.5 million citizens, the community has an outstanding 842k members and has become a beloved online destination for anyone who enjoys celebrating all things Scottish.
If you've never been to Scotland and don't have any acquaintances who are natives there, you might be interested in learning more about what life is like there. Below, you'll find a selection of our favorite posts from the Scottish People Twitter subreddit that we hope will inspire you to book a quick journey to Glasgow or Edinburgh.
Enjoy reading these tweets in your best Scottish accent.
1. There Will Come A Time

2. Mulhern Not Having A Good Time Of It In The Comments

3. Mosh Pit

4. Bruce Mate Come On

5. Trainspotting

6. Washes Scuds And Bashes Fuds

7. Smoking A Malboro Red While Wearing A Knights Helmet? Nae Bor Mate

8. He Isnae A Dug, Moira

9. Walking Germ

10. Wooo!

11. A Conversation With My Scottish Friend

12. Wee Man Loves Henry The Hoover

13. Just To Help Yous Oot A Wee Bit

14. Man Of The People Bob Servant

15. Some Size A Neck On They Hings

16. What Is That?

17. Tattie Juice

18. Yee Haa

19. Scottish People Gpt

20. Train Rides

21. A Would S**te Masel

22. This Will Never Not Be Funny

23. The Longest Running Prank Ever

24. That's The Story

25. Can Only Be In Scotland…

26. Magic Mick In 21 Pumped Street

27. About Right

28. I Want This To Be Real

29. As A Glaswegian, Even I Was Surprised By The Scale Of Braehead Shopping Centre

30. Fair Question That

31. Wee Moon

32. Mum's Just Being Honest

33. The Best Kind Of I Told You So

34. Bacchialdi's

35. Technically The Truth

36. Can’t Beat A Fathers Jokes

37. Breaking News

38. Technically Correct

39. Very, Very Sorry

40. Wish I Knew This Before

41. He Was Running Out Of Patience

42. Wholesome Spt

43. A Wee Fanny

44. May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

45. Anyone Lost A Hat?

46. L For Effort!

47. Invisibility Cloak!

48. Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?

49. Natural Order Restored In Glasgow

50. Never Seen Such Charity

If you're not from the land of kilts and whisky, you might not understand all of the jargon used in these tweets, but don't worry—I'm confident you'll understand the meanings through the context. You might even learn a little piece of Scottish slang yourself.
Let us know what your favorite thing about the beautiful nation of Scotland is by dropping a comment below.
