This Restaurant In Texas Is Nailing Their Hilarious Sign Game
The best food comes with a laugh

El Arroyo is a restaurant in Austin Texas that opened up back in 1975. Since then, it's become quite the local landmark. One of the features that sets it apart is it's big black-lettered sign out front. In fact, it's become somewhat of icon, who would've thought?!
You can even shoot them an email with your oh-so-clever suggestions! Don't hesitate to send them an e-mail, [email protected].
But as for now, let's take a scroll through their past signs. They've been putting smiles on the community's faces for over 45 years!
I hope you laugh big belly chuckles today. We sure all deserve that much, at the very least. <3
1. Lawwwwwd... Way to make me feel old.👵🏼

2. TRUTH!🥂

3. Saaaame!✌️


5. Or a booze truck... Yep.💁♀️

6. Is it salmon or salmon? 😂

7. Pleaaaaase use Google to your advantage. 👍🏻

8. Awkward... 🙅🏻

9. Seriously, who signs up for those things?! 😱

10. Like one the size of the glacier that sank the damn Titanic!🚢

11. Hit me baby, one more time!👩🏻🎤

12. And WHY is there not a special deodorant for it?!😂

13. Good luck bruh. LOL! 💀

14. Tacos are literally LIFE! 🌮

15. AMEN! 🙏🏼

16. ...Get it? 🤣

17. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

18. Can somebody let me know though?!🤔

19. Yeah, can I go back to doing it under my own terms now? KayThanks.🙃

20. They be talkin' maaad sh!t too.🤐😂

21. SH!T.🥴

22. Oooo BURN!☕️

23. For real, unplug it for 30 seconds, and try to plug it back in. 🔌

24. Especially if that someone is a mom!😴

25. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This one wins. 🤣🤣

26. And is literally capable of making anything happen. 😳

27. PREACH! 👏

28. One hundred and fifty p e r c e n t ! 👎

29. Best pun ever. 🗣

30. This one is too cool for school. 😎😂


32. What in the actual... 🤬🤬

33. All about them backroads.🏞️

34. Legit. 💯

35. This one though. 😂😂 Savage.

Let us know if you got in a laugh today! We wish you well!
