50 Times People Shared Laughable And Alarming Online Shopping Mistakes
You’re never quite sure of what you’re going to get online

Online shopping is a common choice these days. It is practical, efficient, and typically anxiety-free.
Online shopping has been a possibility for a while. However, it became the new standard in many homes during the COVID era.
In addition to being simple, it was also the safest course of action. Even after the restrictions were lifted, some individuals made the decision to continue their new habits.
Online shopping is also practical because it allows you to browse shops from around the globe without getting out of bed. Even if you choose to shop locally, you won't need to travel to numerous locations to gather the various things you require because almost everything can be delivered right to your door.
That may be the reason why a third of people worldwide prefer it to visiting shops. It can be a double-edged weapon, though, as you never know for sure what you'll get.
Regardless of the descriptions and images, your purchase might not resemble what was advertised. Additionally, it might arrive in dubious packaging or be something you didn't really purchase.
We searched the internet for some of the finest instances of shopping scams and blunders. Some circumstances work in the buyer's favor, others not so much, but most are very different from what was anticipated.
1. I Told My Dad Not To Buy Anything From Wish, But He Made Me Order It For Him... It Didn't Go Well

2. My Fiancé And I Ordered A Navy Bathmat And This Came, 10/10 Would Order Again

3. The Cake That Was Ordered And The Cake That Arrived

4. Ordered A Swimsuit From Amazon. This Is What I Got

5. Ordered A $3 Watch From Amazon. Nailed It

6. My Buddy Ordered A Baby Yoda Doll From China. On The Left Is What He Thought He Ordered. On The Right Is What Came In The Mail

7. So For My Birthday My Brother Ordered Me Jacket That Was Supposed To Be A Size Medium. When I Got The Jacket It Was Way To Big

8. Ordered A Cute Pink Pig Kawaii Cushion Plush. But The One I Received Is All Hairy And Weird

9. What A Friend Of Mine Ordered On A Costume Site And What She Got

10. I Ordered A Lighter, Dasher Replaced It With Packing Tape

11. Even My Dog Was Disappointed In This Facebook Ad Purchase

12. The Dog Bed My Mum Ordered For 99€

13. Be Sure To Always Check The Size When Ordering Treats

14. I Came Home To A Package I Didn't Order - I Opened It Up To Find This And Have No Idea Who To Thank

15. What I Ordered vs. What I Got

16. I Ordered A Sandwich On Uber Eats And Got This, Sucks For The Person That Ordered This

17. Thought My Amazon App Was Frozen, Guess Not

18. There Was An Attempt For “Discrete Packaging” By The Adult Site I Ordered From

19. Picked Up My Walmart Order And They Left The Formula I Bought In Its Security Box

20. I Ordered 4 Sliders And Received 270 Bread Rolls. Such A Waste

21. I Ordered Nice Knives For The First Time In My Adult Life From eBay. The Seller Sent Me A Box From The Set I Ordered But The Knives Were A Different Line With Much Lower Quality

22. What My Sister Ordered vs. What She Received

23. Ordered These Grinches For My Sister's Baby Shower... Blown Away By What I Was Sent

24. I Purchased A Wallace Mug To Go With My Gromit Mug. Unbeknown To Me, I Had Ordered A Comically Small Mini-Mug

25. Amazon Took The Picture With My Box In Mid-Air

26. Ordered The Cake On The Left, Got The One On The Right

27. That's What Achilles Wore When He Was Going To War

28. I Requested 8 Bananas In My Weekly Grocery Pickup Order… They Gave Me 8 Bunches And Managed To Only Charge Me $0.68 - The Price Of One Single Banana

29. GameStop Sent Me 4 Controllers Instead Of Just The 1 I Ordered

30. You Also Need To Order Hips, Thick Thighs, And A Push-Up Bra Then Dye The Clothes Red

31. Just Ordered A Pepperoni Pizza

32. This Is What Happens When You Order Stuff Off Facebook. What I Ordered vs. What I Actually Received

33. What To Do When You Order A Small T-Shirt, And They Send You An XXXL

34. This Is How My Walmart Delivery Order Came. I Called Customer Service To Ask What I Should Do And They Said Just Break It

35. After Seeing The Pic Of My Nephew In His New Christmas Gift My SO Thinks He “Might Have Ordered The Wrong Size”

36. I Have A Sick Dog So I Ordered £70 Worth Of Groceries From Morrisons Via Deliveroo. Morrisons Accepted The Order But Canceled Almost Every Item. And I Got An Onion

37. Labyrinth-Style Doll Bought For $55. Can’t Stop Laughing

38. The Ice Cream Cake We Ordered vs. What We Received

39. What Was Ordered vs. What Was Received Through Our Beloved Daraz

40. Amazon Literally Sent Me An Empty Bag And The Delivery Picture Shows It Was Open. (Say Hi To My Invisible Graphics Card)

41. My Mum Ordered This Online

42. I Ordered Clint Eastwood. I Received His Derpy Cousin, Twice Removed

43. How Shoes I Ordered On Poshmark Arrived

44. My GF Ordered Some Ankle Weights For Running And Somehow Got Sent This Instead... Trying To Convince Her To Just Go Out Running With The Hammer

45. Ordered From Instacart For The First Time And This Is How The Chicken Came

46. So I Ordered A Spider-Man Mask A While Back, And This Is What Came In

47. BFF Got This Bear Hat For My Cat To Recreate An Adorable Instagram Post She Saw

48. The Bear Mask My Friend Ordered vs. The Nightmare Fuel He Received

49. My Beautiful Order From ProFlowers

50. I Ordered A Seinfeld Shirt From China And Not Only It Has "Friends" Printed On It But It Also Has R Letter Missing

Ease isn't the only factor you consider when shopping online. According to research, people kept making online purchases after COVID because they enjoyed it.
With the convenience of the internet, people can shop whenever and wherever they want. So we can get more of these pictures as people keep ordering.
