This Pregnancy Q&A Has Pregnant Women Everywhere Laughing About How Stupidly Funny It Is

This hilarious quiz found in an OB-GYN office is so unexpectedly funny women everywhere are laughing

  • Published in Funny
This Pregnancy Q&A Has Pregnant Women Everywhere Laughing About How Stupidly Funny It Is

Visiting your OB-GYN can be a nervewracking experience for some women. If you're pregnant you're often cranky, hungry, or needing to pee, and waiting around for an appointment just doesn't seem like that much fun, right? And if it's your first pregnancy you have to deal with all of that, plus all of the questions you have about being pregnant in the first place. It's a rough time. So how do you relax? 

Maybe you scroll Facebook or play games on your phone, or maybe even read the faded old magazines they leave in the waiting areas for you, but that doesn't really sound like that much fun. Luckily enough for some special women, one OB-GYN office has aided your boredom and nervousness with a hilarious quiz for pregnant women. Don't worry, it's already filled out for you!

The first question on the quiz is something I'm sure a lot of women wonder or worry about when trying to have children, "Should I have a child after 35?" Good question, but what does the answer recommend?


"No, 35 children is enough." 

And this is where it really gets interesting.


If I had to pick a personal favorite from the list my pick would have to be this stunner:

Q: My childbirth instructor says that it's not pain I'll feel during labor, but pressure. is she right?"

Is she right?


"Yes, in the same way, that a tornado might be called an air current."


That seems about right, actually. Check out the full quiz below to have a laugh for yourself!
