41 Introvert Memes On Twitter That Will Make You Laugh And Glued To Your Phone

Forget about the challenges of facing the world for a bit, and let's laugh at our own introvertedness with these Twitter posts.

  • Published in Funny
41 Introvert Memes On Twitter That Will Make You Laugh And Glued To Your Phone

Even if people turn into adults, they can never outgrow their introvertedness. But that doesn't mean that these people are anti-social.

They just favor certain activities and have limits when socializing with new people (they love their close friends, though). They favor personal space.

That's why they love locking themselves in a room. It's not that they've chosen to withdraw from people — introverts simply love to be in solitude.

Activity-wise, they love being alone or in the company of a few people whom they're close to. Introverts also love to express themselves through creativity.

Writing, drawing, and any music-related activity are just some of their creative outlets. If they have to do activities with a group, they want to observe what's in it first before they join.

We may live in a world where people value connections, but establishing friendships is something that introverts find challenging. They may not be shy or anxious around people, but it takes a toll on their energy if they have to go through hours of social interaction.

So if these people meet a fellow introvert, they breathe a sigh of relief. But since the internet is accessible to most people, it isn't as challenging to find people who can understand a fellow introvert.

So if you're this type of person and you want to feel less alone, check out these relatable and hilarious tweets about introverts by @introvertmemes.

Diminishing friendship circle

Diminishing friendship circleintrovertsmemes

Lunching alone should be normalized!

Lunching alone should be normalized!introvertsmemes

When you're not ready to talk to people in the morning.

When you're not ready to talk to people in the morning.introvertsmemes

Don't judge introverts!

Don't judge introverts!introvertsmemes

Your personality changes depending on who you're with.

Your personality changes depending on who you're with.introvertsmemes

Introverts keep it to themselves.

Introverts keep it to themselves.introvertsmemes

Silence shouldn't be awkward.

Silence shouldn't be awkward.introvertsmemes

Introverts don't have to answer every question.

Introverts don't have to answer every question.introvertsmemes

Introverts do this all the time.

Introverts do this all the time.introvertsmemes

Procrastination be like

Procrastination be likeintrovertsmemes

How introverts achieve peace

How introverts achieve peaceintrovertsmemes

Anxiety kicks in.

Anxiety kicks in.introvertsmemes

Helping friends comes first.

Helping friends comes first.introvertsmemes

Say sorry anyway.

Say sorry anyway.introvertsmemes

Canceling plans can be exciting. More alone time!

Canceling plans can be exciting. More alone time!introvertsmemes

LMAO: Introverts' version

LMAO: Introverts' versionintrovertsmemes

Introverts are pros at sleeping.

Introverts are pros at sleeping.introvertsmemes

Existing another day is tiring.

Existing another day is tiring.introvertsmemes

From a friendship circle to a friendship dot.

From a friendship circle to a friendship dot.introvertsmemes

When you're making friends with an extrovert

When you're making friends with an extrovertintrovertsmemes

An introvert's mind before going to sleep.

An introvert's mind before going to sleep.introvertsmemes

Your friends' happiness is your happiness.

Your friends' happiness is your happiness.introvertsmemes

How introverts waste their time

How introverts waste their timeintrovertsmemes

Something introverts say when they want to cancel the plan, but don't want to say it outright.

Something introverts say when they want to cancel the plan, but don't want to say it outright.introvertsmemes

Haunted by the past

Haunted by the pastintrovertsmemes

Why wait for tomorrow? Why not today?

Why wait for tomorrow? Why not today?introvertsmemes

"That's it. We're done!"


Nothing's wrong with laughing but...

Nothing's wrong with laughing but...introvertsmemes

Introverts are trying their best during a conversation.

Introverts are trying their best during a conversation.introvertsmemes

Life's just too challenging for an introvert.

Life's just too challenging for an introvert.introvertsmemes

The former is true.

The former is true.introvertsmemes

Uh oh...

Uh oh...introvertsmemes

"I'm fine, really."


True, especially when there's too much interaction at work.

True, especially when there's too much interaction at work.introvertsmemes

The perfect Christmas for introverts

The perfect Christmas for introvertsintrovertsmemes

It can't be helped when you're an introvert.

It can't be helped when you're an introvert.introvertsmemes

Introverts have an entire cabinet of excuses.

Introverts have an entire cabinet of excuses.introvertsmemes

How introverts react when the plan is canceled.

How introverts react when the plan is canceled.introvertsmemes

Introverts love those friends who don't expect them to talk all the time.

Introverts love those friends who don't expect them to talk all the time.introvertsmemes

Invisibility is always an option.

Invisibility is always an option.introvertsmemes

What a relief!

What a relief!introvertsmemes

Life may be extra challenging for an introvert, especially since there are so many types of people out there that they need to face. Fortunately, there will always be ways to get through these (even if they may be silly for other people).

And if you're an extrovert, we hope this was a fun crash course on how introverts brave this world.
