15 Funny Illustrations Depict What The People In Hogwarts Do When No One Is Watching
This illustrator is fond of making funny comics and illustrations, and she has been doing this since 2016. She loves it when people smile and enjoys her illustrations.

Sarah Dunlavey, also known as Madame Lady, is a very talented illustrator from Montreal and she's fond of making comic illustrations. She has been doing this since 2016 and making illustrations that make people smile is what she loves the most.
She has created a lot of content already. She has created illustrations about her life, "dumb and funny ideas," and of course, she also created some that are related to one of her favorite stories - Harry Potter.
While she mainly focuses on the wizarding world of Harry Potter, she has also done other things that are inspired by the other movies she's fond of. That includes everyone's favorites Disney and Game of Thrones.
Sarah is also a cinema student and she's working as an artist for a gaming studio. While all her works are not technically credited to her name just yet, she believes that one day, she'll be able to make her very own creations and will be known for them.
Sarah's creativity and humor are something that many will enjoy. You'll find yourself smiling while reading her content.
Enjoy reading her post below showcasing funny illustrations of the famous characters from the Harry Potter Universe. Don't forget to let us know about your thoughts after reading by placing a comment below.
Thank you, everyone. Have a nice day to all.
#1 At the great hall
After jumping out the train from platform 9 3/4, students are going to assemble in the great hall and shall be greeted by the headmaster. But what we didn't know is that the houses are getting plus points for having good-looking members.

#2 Mcgonagall's skill in transfiguration
McGonagall is known for her skills in transfiguration. She can turn into a cat, and that's how she can escape for a bit and leave a real kitty in her class, so students won't know she's gone for a while.
But what if that kitty got carried away and starts harassing students? She'll do a lot of explaining to Dumbledore for sure.

#3 At Privet drive
Uncle Vernon dislikes the wizarding world. So McGonagall gave her something to remember.

#4 Cats are scared of water
So when McGonagall transforms into a cat, she also carries with her the things cats dislike. For example - water!

#5 Trevor the toad
Trevor, Longbottom's toad is having a good time with these two girls. As soon as Trevor got kissed, Longbottom showed up emphasizing his six-packs.

#6 With Professor Sprout
Looks like Professor Sprout has her favorites too. You can't get any from her garden if you're not her BFF.

#7 Filch the caretaker
Filch the caretaker wants to keep everything tidy and organized inside the castle. But why use a vacuum if he can just swish his wand and cast a cleaning spell?

#8 Dobby the house elf
Dobby was also a house-elf in Hogwarts until Dumbledore freed him. Baaaaad Dobby!

#9 Neville Longbottom is hot
Did you know that Neville was everybody's crush? Look, they all turned green!

#10 Professor Sprout and her wild garden
Professor Sprout has more than just mandrakes in her garden. She also has a bunch of unknown botanical stuff like the one that will make you reach puberty fast.

#11 Ron and his wand
So Diagon Alley sells vibrators too? Ollivanders will be well known for that once Ron discovers how to use it.
That's if it reaches Ron. Looks like Mrs. Weasley will discover it first.

#12 Ladies room
Let's get back to McGonagall. Looks like she's using the quidditch field like a litter box.

#13 Mcgonagall again
Little did we know, Mcgonagall does fancy Dumbledore. But Dumbledore was too busy for something else.

#14 It was not Nagini
Neville killed an innocent woman. She was just practicing transfiguration.

#15 Sprout is a bully
Professor Sprout just can't take it. She hates the barn smell.

Harry Potter fans will be astounded to see how these characters behaved when no one was looking at them. Well, this is according to the very creative illustrator Sarah Dunlavey.
The illustrations above will surely give you a good laugh. So don't forget to share this with your family and friends too!
