15 Hilarious Photos of Cats Believing Their Vets Can't See Them Because They Want To Be Invisible

Cats are apparently as good as Invisible Drax

Ivan Kim
  • Published in Animals
15 Hilarious Photos of Cats Believing Their Vets Can't See Them Because They Want To Be Invisible

Felines are incredibly talented and smart. But sometimes, they act hilariously silly, especially when they are cornered in the vet's office. Often, they act weird and scared, but most of the time, they try their very best to stealth, hide, camouflage, and anything else they can think of just to escape from the vet.

If you've taken your cat to the vet, then you probably know what it's like. You must have seen your feline friend escaping or refusing to get out of her cage.

Check out these 15 funny photos of cats trying to hide from their vet. I bet these photos will have you feline good!

The ultimate stealth mode

The ultimate stealth mode u/Cavalier4Beer

Is that Batman?

Is that Batman?u/MeagaMillion

Hear me RoARrR!

Hear me RoARrR!u/IntrinsicGray

The sweet escape... or maybe not

The sweet escape... or maybe notu/catsbuttscats

At least she tried

At least she triedu/JunkyardJamboree

The sink is the purr-fect hiding spot

The sink is the purr-fect hiding spotu/VoxDolorum u/sallylooksfat

I honestly can't tell which is which

I honestly can't tell which is whichu/boredgeorge

This cat asking for a bit more privacy

This cat asking for a bit more privacyu/YoBooMaFoo

"My hooman won't see me in here"


"Go away, Linda!"


Apparently, Little Bob is way too big to hide

Apparently, Little Bob is way too big to hideu/Misaniovent

This cat who thinks her hooman's jacket is an invisible cloak

This cat who thinks her hooman's jacket is an invisible cloaku/cellorevolution

"There must be an escape hole somewhere"


Try harder next time

Try harder next timeu/katarokkar
Ivan Kim