50 Employees And Their Funny Ideas That Made Their Colleagues Laugh Out Loud

Now that this has gone viral, we should thank these employees for radically improving our day, too!

  • Published in Funny
50 Employees And Their Funny Ideas That Made Their Colleagues Laugh Out Loud

If you're one of the lucky ones, you probably have colleagues who'd do anything to paste a smile on your face. There are others who have colleagues from hell, like the one who always eats up food left in the fridge.

Remember the dude who thought anything in the kitchen fridge was communal property and accidentally drank a lactating woman's breast milk?

Oh boy, although the woman, albeit pissed, moved on, the guy continues to be the butt of office jokes. Long story short, the woman pumped breast milk and put the bottle (with her name on it) in the kitchen fridge.

She traveled to a different location for a meeting, leaving the milk safely tucked in the kitchen fridge. Along comes this guy who drank the milk and thought it tasted funny.

Anyway, the employees you're about to see are all here to leave you with good feels. It's magical how employees have the power to destroy or electrify your day.

We might not realize it, but apart from people who accidentally drink a baby's lunch or help themselves to a hearty serving of someone else's lunch, good people exist too. Not only do they love to laugh and be happy, but they also love to make people around them laugh!

Might sound like a myth in today's bitter, cold world, but these warm people with glowing hearts really do exist. To make our point, we've combined a list of 50 such awesome humans you can't miss!

1. Was hungry, but needed to work. This restaurant had the solution.

1. Was hungry, but needed to work. This restaurant had the solution.LHOW27

2. The level of trolling is high.

A guy at my wife's job still think that his new plant is a cactus. It's actually a pickle that is replaced by a new one each 2 days... It's been like that for 2 weeks now.

Reddit / Starskins

2. The level of trolling is high.Starskins

3. Here's an office potluck.

3. Here's an office potluck.pasciiii

4. Smurfs for Halloween.

All of my coworkers agreed to dress up as smurfs for Halloween. Im the only one to go through with it.

Reddit / Papa_Skittles

4. Smurfs for Halloween.Papa_Skittles

5. Here's Mr. Grumpy.

5. Here's Mr. Grumpy.austin_lou

6. The sign at an ice cream shop in Amman, Jordan.

6. The sign at an ice cream shop in Amman, Jordan.Glypshmergle

7. ROFL.

7. ROFL.SnapTalk

8. Barnes & Nobles' romance book display.

You'll laugh out loud when you realize it.

8. Barnes & Nobles' romance book display.JessLovesNaps

9. The supposedly voice-activated coffee machine.

So they installed a new coffee machine at work and before anyone could use it, I placed this sign on it...best three hours of my life (I have the office right in front of the break room).

Reddit / nipse79

9. The supposedly voice-activated coffee machine.nipse79

10. The coworker who puts fake hazard signs around the office.

10. The coworker who puts fake hazard signs around the office.RamsesThePigeon

11. A 66-year-old receptionist prints out memes and pins them for people to read.

11. A 66-year-old receptionist prints out memes and pins them for people to read.tokensbro

12. That happened in Australia.

12. That happened in Australia.assyrian

13. Here's a local coffee shop sign that's turning heads.

13. Here's a local coffee shop sign that's turning heads.chatsubo20

14. These coworkers at NASA.

14. These coworkers at NASA.jftims

15. Someone put this in a psychiatry ward.

15. Someone put this in a psychiatry ward.OrangeLovesGreen

16. Here's another coworker dressed for Halloween.

16. Here's another coworker dressed for Halloween.Jorrk

17. Employee's solution after boss complained her hair was too long.

17. Employee's solution after boss complained her hair was too long.billybobjoe4000

18. Kale vs. Kale.

I couldn't find the kale at the grocery store. I asked an employee where I could find some and he said, "right here," and points to his name tag.

He's been waiting his whole life for this... Kudos to Kale. I love you, man!

Reddit / designstudio_b

18. Kale vs. Kale.designstudio_b

19. Oh the nerve.

I hate having to write up my employees right before the holiday, so I compromised and she has to wear this for the rest of the afternoon...

Reddit / thejohnblog

19. Oh the nerve.thejohnblog

20. Playing hide-n-seek.

Here's a gardener who's playing "Where's Waldo" in these awesome pics.

20. Playing hide-n-seek.triplezero

21. At the staff meeting. ROFL.

21. At the staff meeting. ROFL.clostridium_dead

22. An out-of-order coffee machine at work.

22. An out-of-order coffee machine at work.gem_bug

23. Here's Herman, the web assistant.

23. Here's Herman, the web assistant. handy_dandy_andy

24. Employees upgrade their coworker's hardware while he went on vacation.

24. Employees upgrade their coworker's hardware while he went on vacation. Kaerval

25. ROFL.

25. ROFL.Simonreah

26. These guys take Halloween very seriously.

26. These guys take Halloween very seriously.emkay28

27. Here's a co-worker's desktop wallpaper. So cool!

27. Here's a co-worker's desktop wallpaper. So cool!imgur.com

28. This is one awesome doctor.

28. This is one awesome doctor.jennyanyanyanyanydot

29. Charlene the hero.

Charlene is a Walmart employee who loves posing with various products. Everyone loves Charlene.

29. Charlene the hero.Walmart North East

30. This coworker left bills in the cashier. Bills.

30. This coworker left bills in the cashier. Bills. ACsiDZ

31. Human Christmas Tree.

I work at a photography store in Norway. This was our Christmas card this year.

Reddit / TheTigon

31. Human Christmas Tree.TheTigon

32. This toilet brush holder.

32. This toilet brush holder.daviedrew

33. Talking signs.

If this happened to me, I'd call my therapist to tell them the signs were talking to me.

33. Talking signs.Vbomb1337

34. Dang. This boss sign.

34. Dang. This boss sign.B4ldy

35. Three-coat jacket.

These employees realized they were wearing the same coats, so they made a three-person jacket.

35. Three-coat jacket.Geekquinox

36. The case of the labeler.

36. The case of the labeler.TheOneandOnlyBobby

37. This is how a co-worker showed up to work one cold morning.

37. This is how a co-worker showed up to work one cold morning.dinhgonefishin

38. I'd be spooked out. Hotel staff left this towel animal.

38. I'd be spooked out. Hotel staff left this towel animal. OyeSimpson

39. ROFL.

39. ROFL.nuthin_to_it

40. Coworker thought these were condoms and asked why he had so many.

40. Coworker thought these were condoms and asked why he had so many.Joseph_Valdez

41. LOL. Um he's going to be so confused when no one talks to him.

41. LOL. Um he's going to be so confused when no one talks to him.ralphbutterwinkel

42. Salt Bae on roads.

42. Salt Bae on roads.mickyo25

43. This manager who puts employee day offs in his calendar.

43. This manager who puts employee day offs in his calendar. JediNarwhal97

44. Here's a "cheese cake" someone brought to work.

44. Here's a nicksalot

45. This guy's employees dressed as him for Halloween.

45. This guy's employees dressed as him for Halloween.jdm902

46. Someone at the office did this.

46. Someone at the office did this.FrozenFireDragon

47. Well, you helped someone.

47. Well, you helped someone.ilkikuinthadik

48. This boss sanitizer at the chiropractor's office.

48. This boss sanitizer at the chiropractor's office.StarfishStabber

49. ROFL.

49. ROFL.-Papadil-

50. ROFL.

50. ROFL.mdavis360

In Summary...

I'm sure some of these made you smile! Be the person who makes another person smile, not like Mr. Grumpy up there who literally wants nothing to do with people.

I'm sure he doesn't mean to be grumpy, and he's not a miserable man, but whatever. If these photos improved your day, share them with others to improve theirs!

After all, sharing is caring!
