Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Magically Hilarious Experience At Disney


  • Published in Disney
Memes That Perfectly Describe Your Magically Hilarious Experience At Disney

Loving Disney is one thing, but actually experiencing Disney in real life is a completely different experience. Everything you've ever loved comes to life before your life! You can finally meet your favorite character! You can wear a princess costume as an adult in public, and no one will think twice!

However, this experience does not come at a low price. You might have to take out a small personal loan to take your family, but damn it you're going to Disney! So pack up your Mickey shirts, your comfy walking shoes, and your lifetime supply of sunscreen and get on down to the Sunshine State! (Or Cali I guess...)

He'll remember this day forever!

He'll remember this day forever!Imgur





For real!

For real!Imgur

This is the greatest.

This is the greatest.Imgur



That doesn't even sound that fun, tbh.

That doesn't even sound that fun, tbh.Imgur

I miss you dole whip...

I miss you dole whip...Imgur

It's the happiest place on Earth!

It's the happiest place on Earth!Imgur



And it's only 5 minutes in...

And it's only 5 minutes in...Imgur

Okay, chill.

Okay, chill.Imgur

*the most awkward face*

*the most awkward face*Imgur

*googles*...*is shocked at $$$ level*

*googles*...*is shocked at $$$ level*Imgur

That's definitely against the rules...

That's definitely against the rules...Imgur



TBH, I don't know what this means

TBH, I don't know what this meansImgur

I mean, I've only went 52 times (multiplied by 4...)

I mean, I've only went 52 times (multiplied by 4...)Imgur

Make it rain!

Make it rain!Imgur



I did not know this!

I did not know this!Imgur

Never been!

Never been!Imgur

Uh, I think I forgot something in our room. Come back and help me?

Uh, I think I forgot something in our room. Come back and help me?Imgur

If they were still charging for them.

If they were still charging for them.Imgur

The worst!

The worst!Imgur