45 Times People Shared Construction Fails That Will Leave You In Stitches While Wondering When They Realized Their Mistakes
This collection of exceptional work deserves an award for… the worst job ever seen
- Published in Funny
Some building projects deserve recognition for being the worst ever. But selecting the winner of the top award would be challenging.
There always seems to be more, no matter how many crooked walls or doors that lead nowhere one has seen. Many of these wind up on Reddit as incredible illustrations of how not to build things.
In fact, r/ConstructionFails is an entire subreddit devoted to such "marvels" of creativity. It's difficult to determine if such outcomes are caused by a lack of skill, a disregard for safety precautions, or some other factor.
Some people grow to love and hate the building industry. It's a laborious process that calls for a lot of time and effort.
Failures in construction can occur for a variety of reasons. While some may be the result of bad planning, others are entirely the responsibility of the building crew.
Whatever the case, it demonstrates how crucial every detail is in this dangerous sector. One thing is certain, though: whether made of straw, wood, bricks or any other material, for that matter, a wolf could huff and puff his way through the majority of the structures in the images.
Browse through this gallery of superb work with pleasure.
1. Well, At Least It Has A Gap
2GOOD932. I Don’t Think They’ve Got Subgrade Problems. Do You?
engineerdrummer3. Let's Do Brainstorming, Let's Bring Different Ideas To The Table: What Is The Cause Of The Accident? Who Is One To Blame?
Accomplished-Ebb18604. Brooklyn Super Special Part 2
bud40oz5. Is This A Normal Practice
LuminousAdvent6. I Wonder At What Point They Realised
Raised-By-Wolf-Pack7. I Think The Roofers Got My Siding A Little Too Hot When Torching Down A New Roof
UGotDeDopeIGotDePipe8. The Installation Of This Door Under My Sink Always Bugs Me
Meowlik9. Owner Has One Leg?
BobSaccaman03410. Found A Love Outlet In The Wall
aschiffer87811. Kitchen Counter/Stairs Hybrid
dapper33312. The Water Pipe In My Appartment That Just Finished Construction
wheekwheekmeow13. Good Luck With That Guys
Connect-Assist-863614. Is It Petty To Judge Ugly Plumbing If They Reversed The Feeds?
HairyHorticulture15. Must’ve Been Blindfolded While Caulking This
spartansmee16. I’m Sure These Deck Posts Won’t Be An Issue Down The Road
Famous-Rutabaga-551717. When You Think You Can Get Away With A Lower Weight Limit… But You Can’t
SourgumWaste18. Every Angle Is Just Slightly Off
Brandolin-31219. Highway Pillar Hanging Out On Its Own
enthusiastic_diver20. My Old House Bathroom Cabinets
TheGpawn21. Truck Crash Shifted The Bridge 6 Feet
SourgumWaste22. A Normal Door In Ohio
LivingMountain543523. Be Sure Not To Swing The Door Too Hard
Raised-By-Wolf-Pack24. So Much Wasted Material And Manpower
2cdubc2025. There Was An Attempt To Build A Deck
SlickDaGato26. Brick Laying On Top Of What? How Is It Staying Put?
spacetime_dilation27. Some "Professional" Framer Gore For You
00LR28. In A Working Day, Building Inspection. I Found This Art (This Work Of A Lazy Person)
annsc29. How Does A Roof With Only A Powdered Sugar Amount Of Snow Look Like That
vegetaman30. Bathroom Door — Peekaboo
No-Presence-669931. Brooklyn Super Special
bud40oz32. Looks Great Guys, Keep Up The Good Work!
TheVintageMermaid33. The Curb On This Straight Road Being Built
mreed91134. I Get That It’s Important To Keep Your Ppe Good As New, But This Is Ridiculous
thedhoklamonger35. Plumbers
AE5NE36. Something Is Out Of Place. If You Don't Know What's Wrong With This Picture, Please Don't Install A Dryer At My Mother's House Again. Thank You
realjohnkeys37. Transporting A Big Glass Panel By Helicopter
bubbs4prezyo38. Had To Post These Amazing Steps Someone Pimped Out
woolz043039. The Floor Of Sibling's New Apartment Is Just A Tiny Bit Uneven
Impromptu_Euthanasia40. He Kicked The Wall And It Came Down On Him
ComfortableSplit14841. Ohs Would Like A Word
2gigi742. Saw This While Doing An Inventory At A Rental Property Today
Raised-By-Wolf-Pack43. Their Boss Won’t Even Pony Up For Matching Ladders
MikeFoxtrotter44. Hydraulics Go Boom
KLeGarcon45. That's A Nice Peaceful Dam You Got There
dapper333Whenever something has to do with construction, you might want to check it twice. Everything, starting with the person in charge of ignoring it, is what we mean when we say "everything."
No matter the job, it is essential to hire a trustworthy team because the outcomes could be very bad. Or it'll just turn out hilarious.