Funny Internet Clapbacks Are The Reason Why You Should Always Read The Comments Section

Sometimes the gems are hidden in the comments, and these photos show exactly why

  • Published in Funny
Funny Internet Clapbacks Are The Reason Why You Should Always Read The Comments Section

A lot of famous people don't read the comments section of their social media account. Rightfully so, because sometimes it can be a cesspool of every possible toxic behavior you can ever imagine.

Social media truly shows the best and the worst of us. It's like holding up a mirror to yourself and seeing an accurate reflection of the good and bad parts of yourself.

The comments section is not always a bad place to pass time. If you read through enough of the replies there, you're guaranteed to find one or two that will make you laugh.

Chrissy Teigen, a celebrity, model, and wife of John Legend, is someone you can rely on to make a funny comeback. It doesn't matter if she's responding to her fans, haters, or other famous people; if she sees an opportunity to make a witty remark, she will.

Her "burns" and retorts have proven popular as she is one of the most followed people on social media. A lot of users are taking the same path as her and are making their own hilarious comments to other netizens.

When there's an online feud brewing, we are captive audience. We're on the edge of our seat waiting for what these people will say next. Whoever says the funniest thing is the undeclared winner.

This supportive fact-checker

This supportive fact-checker

When the developers are tired of reading your feedbacks

When the developers are tired of reading your feedbacks

When spiced food is as fictional as the dragons and elves

When spiced food is as fictional as the dragons and elves

Any guesses how heavy that hair piece is?

Any guesses how heavy that hair piece is?

It's him in a nutshell

It's him in a nutshell

Which is worse, being a bad guy or being cast in a network movie?

Which is worse, being a bad guy or being cast in a network movie?

It's tempting to hate-watch this movie

It's tempting to hate-watch this movie

She's not wrong

She's not wrong

When you're knocked down a peg but in 16th Century English

When you're knocked down a peg but in 16th Century English

Rare self-burn

Rare self-burn

A variation of a "Yo Mama" joke (if I received this message, I will talk about it to my therapist)

A variation of a

All bark and no bite

All bark and no bite

This accidental stock photo

This accidental stock photo

Character development that nobody asked for

Character development that nobody asked for

An expert conversationalist

An expert conversationalist

This unhelpful commenter

This unhelpful commenter

This great recommendation

This great recommendation

A seasonal furniture

A seasonal furniture

If Narwhals exist, Unicorns must be out there somewhere

If Narwhals exist, Unicorns must be out there somewhere

When you can't wrap your head around the difference in seasons but time travel is an understandable concept

When you can't wrap your head around the difference in seasons but time travel is an understandable concept

You don't need cable TV if the comments are always this funny. When you use social media, you can't take things too seriously. It will make things more fun if we can poke fun of each other every now and then.

The original post can be meh but scroll down a little and you'll find a comment that's way funnier than the post. It's free entertainment and we love it.

Still, when you jump onto other people's posts, be mindful. There's a huge difference between a funny comment and one that can potentially hurt another user.

If you're not careful, the other netizens will definitely let you know and instead of being in on the joke, you'll be the subject of it.

Anyway, we can't wait to read the comments on this list. Let us know what you think and hey, maybe you can come up with funnier comebacks.
