40 Amusing Comics From An Artist Who Has More Than 3.7M Fans On Social Media

Some call Adam Ellis' art "controversial," but his following is growing by the minute.

  • Published in Funny
40 Amusing Comics From An Artist Who Has More Than 3.7M Fans On Social Media

Adam Ellis is one of the most popular digital illustrators on the Internet. And it's hardly surprising since he focuses on everyday stuff that we can all relate to.

He adds a note of humor to them and makes our boring everyday lives seem a little bit less dreary. His comics also touch on different topics from the world around us, with an ironic view of the current events and all sorts of conspiracy theories.

There's something for everyone. We have compiled a list of his best new cartoons, and we know you are going to love them. Unless you are a lizard overlord.

1. Self care

1. Self careadamtots

2. Autumn

2. Autumnadamtots

However, regardless of his great success, the digital artist's illustrations aren't up everyone's alley. Some call his art "controversial" because of his artistic process and style. In particular, some internet users were critical of Adam reusing parts of his earlier comics in the new ones.

He's been charged with everything from stagnant characters and "low effort" art to creating humorless gags. But, we guess that there are 3,7 million people out there who disagree. His social media following keeps growing by the minute.


3. Nobody cares

3. Nobody caresadamtots

4. Ball

4. Balladamtots

5. Take a nap

5. Take a napadamtots



7. Personality

7. Personalityadamtots

8. How disappointing...

8. How disappointing...adamtots

9. Trump

9. Trumpadamtots

10. Pretty

10. Prettyadamtots

11. Aesthetics

11. Aestheticsadamtots

12. Why?

12. Why?adamtots

13. Yeah, right

13. Yeah, rightadamtots

14. Painting

14. Paintingadamtots

15. Strong

15. Strongadamtots

16. She insisted

16. She insistedadamtots

17. Relatable

17. Relatableadamtots

18. Not hungry

18. Not hungryadamtots

19. It’s me…

19. It’s me…adamtots

20. Playing

20. Playingadamtots

21. Vampire

21. Vampireadamtots

22. Anxiety

22. Anxietyadamtots

23. Unknown caller

23. Unknown calleradamtots

24. Sweet boy

24. Sweet boyadamtots

25. What is this?

25. What is this?adamtots

26. Goodbye

26. Goodbyeadamtots

27. Selfie

27. Selfieadamtots

28. Not straight

28. Not straightadamtots

29. Cute

29. Cuteadamtots

30. Lizard Overlords

30. Lizard Overlordsadamtots



32. Cat life

32. Cat lifeadamtots

33. Stars

33. Starsadamtots

34. Virtual life

34. Virtual lifeadamtots

35. Isolation

35. Isolationadamtots

36. Penny

36. Pennyadamtots

37. Girls

37. Girlsadamtots

38. Lost in translation

38. Lost in translationadamtots

39. Mask

39. Maskadamtots

40. Art

40. Artadamtots