30 Laughter-Inducing Tweets Where People Accept Being Badly Broke And Are Proud To Show It Off

Being broke has been romanticized excessively that people are now proud to show it off.

  • Published in Funny
30 Laughter-Inducing Tweets Where People Accept Being Badly Broke And Are Proud To Show It Off

Being penniless or broke has been romanticized excessively as there are a lot of tragic circumstances that veil themselves as stories that feel good. People are no longer afraid of telling you that they are broke, so if you aren’t going to handle the bills, don’t ask them to tag along.

Though some people still pretend to be rich even though they’re broke for reasons best known to them, many others have faced their reality. Sometimes we see or hear about certain people who have forfeited their material well-being and placed all of their discretionary income into their innovative activities.

In any case, when we truly check it out, is there any glamor in hustling from salary to salary? The answer is best known to you, but whatever the response, in order to earn just enough to get by with empty pockets, you must be adaptive or learn to be resilient.

What's more important than that is being straightforward with yourself and everybody around you about the problem you're in. To show you how it's done, people on Twitter have brought their broken selves out into the open, and we have gathered a list of extremely honest tweets.

As you scroll, you see 50 tweets from individuals who are proud of being broke.

1. What a wish

1. What a wishBigJoe_KE

2. What it's like to be 1st world poor

2. What it's like to be 1st world poorthatshaikh

3. Just ask for it

3. Just ask for itcoliegestudent

4. I hope to be wealthy one day

4. I hope to be wealthy one dayTheCatWhisprer

5. Darkness is on the run

5. Darkness is on the runNicCageMatch

6. It's still a work in progress

6. It's still a work in progressthefunnyworld

7. Lol... This got me

7. Lol... This got meLaurrr_iee

8. Do you feel it too?

8. Do you feel it too?BronxAF

9. Just here putting two and two together

9. Just here putting two and two togetherBacklineNurse

10. As you grow older, desires keep changing

10. As you grow older, desires keep changingshutupmikeginn

11. Haha... Is someone owing the bank?

11. Haha... Is someone owing the bank?TMWanish

12. Want to know something sexy about 50 shades of grey?

12. Want to know something sexy about 50 shades of grey?peachesanscream

13. Sorry homie but I'm broke

13. Sorry homie but I'm brokesteverox777

14. We are both insufficient

14. We are both insufficientHomeProbably

15. And the date's face automatically changes...

15. And the date's face automatically changes...ArfMeasures

16. Does everyone owe the moon?

16. Does everyone owe the moon?Playing_Dad

17. Eating sleep for dinner

17. Eating sleep for dinnerSaluteEm_Rat

18. So, thank you

18. So, thank youdavid8hughes

19. When to know you're broke

19. When to know you're brokenobcyousuuck

20. Logical advice to save a life

20. Logical advice to save a life@thatdutchperson

21. Having less money after high school

21. Having less money after high schoolSpenceDen

22. Lol... Couldn't have said it better

22. Lol... Couldn't have said it betterchuuzus

23. Countdown to being homeless

23. Countdown to being homelessColIegeStudent

24. Good visual

24. Good visualsophiamaws

25. This is where it hurts the most...

25. This is where it hurts the most...Sassafrantz

26. What is happening here?

26. What is happening here?chrismsotto

27. Uno cards Versus tarot cards

27. Uno cards Versus tarot cardssadgirlkms

28. You can't do that!

28. You can't do that!slodwick

29. Shoes versus hooves

29. Shoes versus hoovesshutupmikeginn

30. Mood booster playlist is what you should listen to after checking your account balance

30. Mood booster playlist is what you should listen to after checking your account balancebobvulfov

These people have come on Twitter to tell the world that they are proud of being broke and that others who are broke should be proud as well. You’ll agree with me that you don’t have to live beyond your means to prove a point that doesn’t matter anymore when the little you have is exhausted.

Are you part of the proud broken leagues? Tell us which of the tweets made you laugh the most.
