Fifty Hilarious And Relatable Memes That You Don't Want To Miss Out On

Being broke has been romanticized excessively that people are now proud to show it off.
Being penniless or broke has been romanticized excessively as there are a lot of tragic circumstances that veil themselves as stories that feel good. People are no longer afraid of telling you that they are broke, so if you aren’t going to handle the bills, don’t ask them to tag along.
Though some people still pretend to be rich even though they’re broke for reasons best known to them, many others have faced their reality. Sometimes we see or hear about certain people who have forfeited their material well-being and placed all of their discretionary income into their innovative activities.
In any case, when we truly check it out, is there any glamor in hustling from salary to salary? The answer is best known to you, but whatever the response, in order to earn just enough to get by with empty pockets, you must be adaptive or learn to be resilient.
What's more important than that is being straightforward with yourself and everybody around you about the problem you're in. To show you how it's done, people on Twitter have brought their broken selves out into the open, and we have gathered a list of extremely honest tweets.
As you scroll, you see 50 tweets from individuals who are proud of being broke.
These people have come on Twitter to tell the world that they are proud of being broke and that others who are broke should be proud as well. You’ll agree with me that you don’t have to live beyond your means to prove a point that doesn’t matter anymore when the little you have is exhausted.
Are you part of the proud broken leagues? Tell us which of the tweets made you laugh the most.