These Pets Have The Funniest Expressions When They Came Back From The Vet
Aren't vets just the worst?

You know when it is that time of the year for your fur buddy to get their annual checkup or receive their yearly shot against some disease? We all know that time of the year! It's the time when you get the ugliest stares that the sea can't even wash you off, you get scratched and bitten so bad it feels like you swam in a sea of piranhas.
I know it sounds familiar, because all of us who own fur buddies go through this, and there is not one person who can say that their dog or cat loves the vet because you are lying! We experience the exact same fear when we go to the dentists, I don't know why, but for some reason, that guy is just scary and weird!
Anyway, these pet owners took perfect pictures of when their fur balls were on their way to the vet or when they got off that wonderful thing called anesthesia and I am telling you it is some pretty funny stuff.
1. Mushy face!

2. When anesthesia hits you hard.

3. Meet Druggo the stoned dog.

4. "Hey! crazy people, what's up?"

5. Porkchop gave his mom the "stare" the whole way home.

6. What you looking at?

7. "Wow man, that was a trip."

8. When you pick them up from the vet and you know you are going to get that look.

9. The vet gave him valium and now he is as high as a kite everyday.

10. The poor guy just got a vaccine update and now it looks like he is about to cry.

11. The vet gave Cheddar the hard drugs.

12. He is one very unimpressed puppy.

13. The vet thought Stanley was too cute when he came out of surgery so he snapped a picture.

14. "Harvey came home from the vet today and needed reminding he’s the light of our life."

15. This is what happens when you leave your cat by the vet overnight.

16. Bagheera was fixed up and was still tripping when he got home.

17. "I will just try and lick this thing off."

18. I think the vet gave him too much.

19. This is what just a little sedation looks like.

20. Sleepy kitty.

21. I see you human.

22. She looks more pissed than high.

23. This is what a shaven Husky looks like. I can't stop laughing!

24. The shock will never go away.

25. It looks like he ate a whole bag of catnip.

26. Those eyes are full of wonder.

27. Pain killer shots are the best.

28. He is fairly enjoying his high, courtesy of the vet.

29. Who knew muscle relaxers could make you this high.

30. "The vet gave my dog some narcotics after a spinal injury. He’s had this expression for 3 days straight."

31. It has been a day after he had surgery and he is still high.

32. He just woke up.

33. He is in his own world.

34. He can't seem to put his tongue back in his mouth.

35. She just woke up, but it looks like she wants to go back to that awesome dream.

36. "They shaved me! Are you happy now?"

37. She has been sitting like this for 20 minutes straight.

38. It seems like all these dogs have problems with their tongues when they are high.

39. He was sick, so he got meds and ended up looking like this.

40. After effects of surgery.

41. Xanex makes them rub against you, endlessly.

42. It looks more like he had a rough night out partying.

43. They also can't see when they wake up.

44. He is just meditating, he is not high at all.

45. About the only cat who is not high or angry. We have found the miracle!

46. Ahh he looks like an old grandpa.

47. Nap time after vet time.

48. As high as a kite.

49. "Where am I?!"

50. I don't think she likes the high very much.

51. Once the drugs are gone he is going to be one mad pup.

52. "I can't feel my face."

53. It will just be awhile buddy, you will get over it.

54. Molly the dirping looking dog.

55. "Yeah, life is good man."

56. It looks like he is sleeping, but the sneaky cat is still high.

57. "My mom thinks this is funny!"

58. Maxed out on meds.

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