10+ Of The Funniest Dogs You'll See Today

Most dogs are goofy enough to make you grin, but these dogs will make you full on L-O-L.

  • Published in Animals
10+ Of The Funniest Dogs You'll See Today

Dogs are cute, cuddly, quirky, and hilarious, we all know this. But most of the time you laugh at your dog they're doing something stupid, like, really stupid. It might be falling off the couch, walking into a glass door, or even just staring at you in a way that makes you say "what the heck?". 

Dogs are great. We must always appreciate the things dogs do for us because let's face it, they're too good for us, they just haven't realized it yet! So let's take a minute to laugh and enjoy some posts about the amazing creature that is, mans best friend, and remember how ridiculous they really are as a species.


1. WHO IS ITInstagram

2. Someone's having a reeeeeally fun day.

2. Someone's having a reeeeeally fun day.Twitter

3. Wait. What?

3. Wait. What?Twitter

4. I love them both equally.

4. I love them both equally.Twitter

5. Human, I have made a grand mistake.

5. Human, I have made a grand mistake.google

6. Adopt another? Dogs love friends.

6. Adopt another? Dogs love friends.Twitter


7. OF COURSE I HAVEInstagram

8. One more snack before you go?

8. One more snack before you go?Instagram

9. Pulling out the old shifty eye...

9. Pulling out the old shifty eye...Instagram

10. Welcome to my crib.

10. Welcome to my crib.Twitter

11. You don't have your receipt? Oh.

11. You don't have your receipt? Oh.Instagram

12. Better than peeing yourself... Just sayin'

12. Better than peeing yourself... Just sayin'Instagram


13. YOU'RE WELCOMEInstagram


14. MOM WHYInstagram

15. I thought that dog had no face...

15. I thought that dog had no face...Twitter

16. wow...

16. wow...Instagram

17. All around me are familiar faces...

17. All around me are familiar faces...Instagram

18. same

18. sameInstagram

19. The best of boys.

19. The best of boys.Instagram