40 Of The Funniest Dad Jokes Ever Seen On The Internet

Flat Earth is so outdated. Hot dog Earth is the new thing!

  • Published in Funny
40 Of The Funniest Dad Jokes Ever Seen On The Internet

Premium Dad Jokes' is a Facebook page that has garnered a massive following of 735,000 fans by presenting the art of cheesy, pun-filled humor in its full glory. The page showcases the skillful use of dad jokes, known for their predictable yet often hilarious punchlines.

Despite the cringe-worthy nature of these jokes, the page's lighthearted approach can also make you smile. If you need a good laugh, the courier delivers concentrated doses of cheesy humor that will get you groaning.

However, it's not all about groans and cringes - the page's content can also bring a smile to your face. The humor is perfect for getting into the mood for the upcoming weekend, and the page's popularity is a testament to the enduring appeal of dad jokes.

Although some may dismiss dad jokes as uncool or outdated, the unwavering popularity of the 'Premium Dad Jokes' page suggests that something is endearing about them. Perhaps it's the jokes' predictability or the humor's cheesy nature that makes them so appealing to people.

Whatever the reason, the page provides a perfect source of entertainment for those who enjoy a good pun or two. So if you're looking for a way to brighten up your day with some lighthearted humor, keep scrolling and see if you can find the charm in these cheesy dad jokes for yourself!

1. We don't know much about this charity, but I'm confident they have at least one 'swearbird'!

1. We don't know much about this charity, but I'm confident they have at least one 'swearbird'!Premium Dad Jokes

2. No longer going to the store before labeling spices.

2. No longer going to the store before labeling spices.Premium Dad Jokes

Marc Hye-Knudsen, a humor researcher and lab manager at Aarhus University’s Cognition and Behavior Laboratory in Denmark, has stated that dad jokes may benefit kids. In the British Psychological Society's journal, Hye-Knudsen wrote that these jokes help children learn to accept embarrassment.

"At first blush, fathers’ more aggressive style of physical play and their teasing style of humor with their children might seem cruel, but that would be missing the point, "Hye-Knudsen elucidated" By continually pushing and challenging their children, fathers’ style of rough-and-tumble play supports their children’s physical and cognitive development in important ways while teaching them to regulate their behaviors and emotions."


3. That hurts!

3. That hurts!Premium Dad Jokes

4. Ha ha! That's funny!

4. Ha ha! That's funny!Premium Dad Jokes

5. That's an awesome thought!

5. That's an awesome thought!Premium Dad Jokes

"Ideally, fathers’ rougher style of joking fulfills a similar function: by teasingly striking at their children’s egos and emotions without teetering over into bullying, fathers build their children’s resilience and train them to withstand minor attacks and bouts of negative emotion without getting worked up or acting out, teaching them impulse control and emotional regulation," The researcher proclaimed.

Hye-Knudsen believes that dad jokes may be a useful teaching tool for children, despite the fact that they often react with eye-rolling.


6. Bad instructions

6. Bad instructionsPremium Dad Jokes

7. Effort equals reward.

7. Effort equals reward.Premium Dad Jokes

8. Fortunately

8. FortunatelyPremium Dad Jokes

"Telling their children jokes that are so bad that they’re embarrassing, fathers may push their children’s limits for how much embarrassment they can handle," Hye-Knudsen stated.

"They show their children that embarrassment isn’t fatal. For a child who is approaching or has entered adolescence, which appears to be a sensitive period for sociocultural processing, this is an immensely valuable lesson. In this sense, dad jokes may have a positive ... effect, toughening up the kids who are begrudgingly exposed to them."


9. It makes sense.

9. It makes sense.Premium Dad Jokes

10. I can affirm that.

10. I can affirm that.Premium Dad Jokes

11. That's incredible!

11. That's incredible!Premium Dad Jokes

Hye-Knudsen believes that dad jokes are ideal for our current age."In contemporary Western culture, which rewards individualism over traditional conformity, it’s a boon to be able to withstand the short-term embarrassment that comes from violating social norms in order to stand by one’s authentic self despite external social pressure."

12. This had me in stitches!

12. This had me in stitches!Premium Dad Jokes

13. Yes, indeed!

13. Yes, indeed!Premium Dad Jokes

14. Adorable

14. AdorablePremium Dad Jokes

15. Only the deserving will comprehend...this is a horse.

15. Only the deserving will comprehend...this is a horse.Premium Dad Jokes

"Dad jokes resemble the rough-and-tumble play that fathers have instinctively been moved to engage their children in since before the dawn of our species, without knowing the important function that such roughhousing plays in their children’s development, "The researcher persisted.

"Among non-human primates, fathers also love playing rough with their offspring. While dad jokes are ideally suited to [contemporary life] and the distinctly modern father figure, the phenomenon thus builds on inclinations that go back literally millions of years."

16. Reality

16. RealityPremium Dad Jokes

17. Factuality

17. FactualityPremium Dad Jokes

18. zero

18. zeroPremium Dad Jokes

19. Seriously

19. SeriouslyPremium Dad Jokes

The term "dad joke" was added to the Merriam-Webster dictionary in 2019, with a definition of“ a wholesome joke of the type said to be told by fathers with a punchline that is often an obvious or predictable pun or play on words and usually judged to be endearingly corny or unfunny.”Thanks to websites such as 'Premium Dad Jokes,' the funniest jokes will be preserved on the internet for generations to come.

20. Weighing the Same as a Duck

20. Weighing the Same as a DuckPremium Dad Jokes

21. Must Now Binge The Die Hard Franchise For A Fun Holiday Movie Night

21. Must Now Binge The Die Hard Franchise For A Fun Holiday Movie NightPremium Dad Jokes

22. Could They Be Cookies or Could They Be Sewing Supplies?

22. Could They Be Cookies or Could They Be Sewing Supplies?roywoodjr

23. Ha-Ha

23. Ha-HaPremium Dad Jokes

24. An Outstanding Concept

24. An Outstanding ConceptPremium Dad Jokes

25. Sheepish

25. SheepishPremium Dad Jokes

26. Lol

26. LolPremium Dad Jokes

27. Ha-ha

27. Ha-haPremium Dad Jokes

28. Reality

28. RealityPremium Dad Jokes


29.Premium Dad Jokes

30. The Reality of Truth

30. The Reality of TruthPremium Dad Jokes

31. Omg

31. OmgPremium Dad Jokes

32. Oh My Goodness!

32. Oh My Goodness!Premium Dad Jokes

33. So funny

33. So funnyPremium Dad Jokes

34. HaHA

34. HaHAPremium Dad Jokes

35. Airing Out My Feelings

35. Airing Out My FeelingsPremium Dad Jokes

36. Absolutely

36. AbsolutelyPremium Dad Jokes

37. Still Plenty of Life Left in Them!

37. Still Plenty of Life Left in Them!Premium Dad Jokes

38. Discovering It Wasn't the Right Bolt to Loosen

38. Discovering It Wasn't the Right Bolt to LoosenPremium Dad Jokes

39. Yes!

39. Yes!Premium Dad Jokes

40. "Double-Checking for Confirmation"

40. Premium Dad Jokes

The immense popularity of the 'Premium Dad Jokes' page shows that dad jokes still have an enduring appeal that transcends age and time. Whether it's the jokes' predictability or the humor's cheesy nature, this page provides a great source of entertainment for those looking for a good laugh.
