18 Crab Memes To Enjoy Before We, Humans, Undergo Crabification
We love crabs, whether they're for consumption or entertainment. Nature loves them too.

We, humans, love eating crabs. They may be a pain to eat because of their hard shells.
But nothing can stop our appetite for these tasty crustaceans. No matter what your preferred flavor is, it can easily penetrate the white, melt-in-your-mouth meat, making the dish very tasty.
And since you have no choice but to eat crab slowly, it's great to serve at family gatherings. Crabs are protein-packed, so they're good for you as well (as long as you don't overeat)!
One has nearly the same amount of protein per 100 grams as meat but none of the saturated fat, which has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. The meat of the crab is of high quality.
Since it doesn't have connective tissues, it can easily be digested by people of all ages. We don't just love eating crabs.
We like watching them on-screen too. And by on-screen, we mean the likes of the Jamaican-accented crab, Sebastian, from The Little Mermaid and Eugene H. Krabs (a.k.a. Mr. Krabs) from SpongeBob SquarePants.
Crabs are fun to watch. Whether we see them quickly walking sideways on sandy beaches or as characters in our favorite cartoons, they are indeed entertaining.
So if you want to be entertained by crabs, why not take a look at these crab memes we've compiled for you?
1. Crab delivery

2. If only it were this easy to catch crabs.

3. What evil deed are you going to do today?

4. Version 1 forever?

5. If only we were crabs, we'd never have to worry about life.

6. It's all this crab's fault!

7. Evolution?

8. At least they're trying.

9. Should we be scared?

10. Soup?

11. Mr, Brightside (Crab Version)

12. Mood

13. Which route will you take? Pacifist, neutral, or genocide?

14. Of course they are!

15. Yee claw!

16. Capitalism under the sea

17. Where everything will lead to

18. Are plants going to become crab-like too?

Even nature seems to love crabs.
These claws and shelled creatures never cease to exist. Moreover, species of crustaceans seem to evolve into crabs, as observed in fossil records.
This phenomenon is known as carcinization. Carcinization is thought to have happened separately in at least five decapod crustacean groups.
They shared a common ancestor 300 million years ago. In other words, there's been plenty of time to evolve.
Carcinization was a term initially coined in 1916. But the discussion gained traction on the internet in 2020.
Why did nature choose crabs? Unfortunately, even scientists don't have a clear answer to the question.
Of course, hypotheses have been formed. Harvard researcher Jo Wolfe said that carcinization is possibly a mix of the environment and genes.
Not all creatures that have experienced carcinization have become crabs. Some have simply taken on crab-like characteristics, adopting their shape and structure.
True crabs, or Brachyura, and false crabs, or Anomura, are the two primary groupings of carcinized creatures. Has nature decided that everything will eventually turn into a crab?
Will we, humans, eventually turn into crabs? According to scientists, that's not going to happen any time soon.
But for now, we have these memes to enjoy. Share the fun and laughs by telling your friends about this post!
