Parent Withdraws PTA Donation After Finding Out That The Fundraiser Will Be Channelled Towards Something Different From What Was Originally Portrayed
This bait-and-switch fundraiser has left this parent fuming.
- Published in Interesting
One of the most important aspects of a child’s development is education. This is why parents not only look for the best schools to enroll their kids in but also get involved in parent-teacher associations.
Joining these associations is a good way for parents to provide opportunities to meet other parents and teachers. Through this, they can form relationships and discuss parenting issues on their minds.
These associations are also an excellent opportunity for parents to change their children’s schools positively.
This is why when one Redditor couldn’t effect the change they wanted in their child’s school, they got upset.
OP shared on the AITA subreddit that the PTA of their kid’s school had been planning a fundraiser to change the cheerleading uniforms for months.
During the planning phase of the event, OP offered to allow the association use their property and furnishings for the event at no cost.
Later on, however, the football coach mentioned that the team needed new equipment due to the worn-out state of the current ones. The association held a vote, and the decision was in favor of the football team, not the cheerleaders.
This upset OP, as they felt the association always prioritized the football team over cheerleaders. OP then withdrew their offer to provide property and furnishings for the event, leading to an uproar from other association members.
They accused them of wasting everyone’s efforts, leading OP to ask the AITA question.
Check out the verdict below!
OP agreed that their property could be used for a fundraiser for new cheerleading uniforms. However, OP was left dissapointed after a majority of people voted that the fundraiser would be channeled to the football team instead
Reddit.comConsequently, OP decided to withdraw their gesture. This upset a lot of people, especially since they had put in a lot of work in preparation for the program. In addition, finding a new venue would be difficult so late
Reddit.comThe post went viral, garnering over 19k upvotes and 2.4k comments. We gathered the best reactions from the Reddit community below:
"You agreed to having a fundraiser for the cheerleaders at your property, not the football team."
Reddit.comSix reasons why OP is not the a**hole
Reddit.comOP's donation was strictly for the cheerleading team, and the cheerleading team alone!"They changed the conditions, and they can live with the consequences.""It is completely delusional of others to think that you would continue to host the fundraiser when the fundraiser was altered to no longer benefit school activities that your family is involved in.""NTA...It's crappy that football is placed above any other activity in school.""If they can change the reason for the fundraiser, you can decide to back out of loaning your space."
Reddit.comTime to kick off a private fundraiser for the cheerleading team"NTA...It’s like they did a bait and switch on the cheerleaders including your kid.""It was a vote. And it is your private property.""They ran a back door plan to get what they wanted at the expense of the cheerleaders. So wrong of them doing that.""The PTA can vote to do what they want. What they can’t do is take resources that were donated and directed toward one fundraiser and apply those to a completely different event""NTA...You offered your home under the impression that proceeds went to the team you actually have a vested interest in.""Anyone who promised support has a right to withdraw that support for whatever reason."
Reddit.comThe Reddit community have unanimously absolved OP of any blame in this case.
To them, OP had only offered the property when the fundraiser was for the cheerleaders. So by switching focus to the football team, OP was well within their rights to withdraw their donation.
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