A Self-Confessed Big Guy's Unhealthy Relationship With Food Jeopardized His Friendship After He Ate Half Of A Party Sub By Himself At A Party
He thought he was only hurting himself with the way he ate but this might be the wake-up call he needed

Having friends who are kind enough to tell you when you are wrong are keepers. People like these are not so easy to find, so we must cherish them.
So were OP's friends correct when they called him out for eating what was left of their party sub? Reddit users couldn't reach a consensus regarding this story without fighting and hurling insults at each other or at OP.
OP thought what he did wasn't a big deal but his sisters and his friends are telling him otherwise. He turned to Reddit to find out if he really behaved poorly.
OP himself admitted that he is a fat person who potentially has a problematic relationship with food. He loves to eat and his body shows just how much.
When he was invited over to his friend's house for a get-together, he agreed and brought his famous chicken wings for everyone to share. His friend ordered a 6-foot party sub and the selection of food was a hit.
OP's chicken wings were quickly demolished before he could even get a serving himself. He ate a part of the sub and about an hour later, he got hungry again.
He eyed what was left of the sub which was still about half of it and waited if anyone else was interested. OP waited another hour and a half just to be safe but no one paid the sub any attention.
They were all eating chips, so OP grabbed half of what was left of the sandwich

In another 15 minutes, OP took the other half of the sandwich and finished all of it

Just as he was about to swallow the last bite of the sub, his friend's girlfriend asked where the party sub was

They all saw OP eating it and pointed to him
She was visibly upset and told OP that he was an incredible pig who was selfish enough to eat a 3-foot-long sandwich. OP felt bad, apologized, and explained that he waited for over an hour to see if anyone else was going to eat the sub.
He said he was hungry since he didn't really have any of the chicken wings he brought. She replied that he brought the food to be shared and if anyone ate half of it then that defeated the purpose of sharing.
OP offered to buy pizza for everyone but she said it was a pathetic offer since the sub was bought from her friend's shop. He apologized again but the tension was palpable for the rest of the night.

OP woke up the next day with several texts from his twin sisters who are friends with the host's girlfriend
They told him to get his sh*t under control because everyone was mad at him and that he embarrassed himself the previous night. OP tried to explain his mindset to no avail and he is still torn if he really did behave selfishly.

I can only imagine the contents of OP's inbox but I highly doubt if most of them were kind

If you're unfamiliar with how big these party subs are, just picture what was described in this comment:

If he got upset that the chicken wings were all eaten before he could have any, OP then has to understand why his friends got upset over the sandwich

The least and most corteous thing OP could have done was ask if he could have more of the sub instead of staring at it for an hour

Then again, OP is an adult who should understand that while he can have another serving, he shouldn't have finished all of it without at least asking the person who paid for it if it was okay

Some Redditors wondered if this was the first instance where OP behaved thoughtlessly

They said this could have been the final straw to his long list of offenses

OP has to realize by now that his relationship with food is hurting more than just himself

A sandwich like that from a specialty place could have cost a lot of money as well which is why the host's girlfriend got so angry

OP's disordered eating is not as harmless to everyone else as he thinks it is

In the ocean of comments calling OP an a**hole, someone pointed out that nearly everyone involved handled things poorly

But this comment was the best one by far. OP did make a mistake but he didn't deserve being called names by the girlfriend or everyone else in the comments section

OP made a poor choice but there is a lesson to be learned here

OP can apologize by sending a similar sub to his friends' house to show how remorseful he really is

OP needed to know where he went wrong at that party but he didn't have to be treated cruelly

He has an unhealthy relationship with food like he admitted but that bad night doesn't have to send him into an even deeper spiral

OP is an adult who made a mistake. It was a social faux pas that was entirely his fault but the visceral reaction his post garnered was unnecessary.
OP needed to hear why his friends got mad at him for what he did. He has a long road ahead of him should he choose to turn his life around and it starts with apologizing to his friends as well as recognizing that he is hurting more than just himself.
