Woman Reveals Her Unique Coping Method To Friends After A Devastating Heartbreak, But One Friend Seems A Bit Too Bitter About This "Mean" Approach
When your friend starts defending your ex so passionately, you might need to start digging.
- Published in Interesting
Breaking up with a partner can be an excruciatingly painful experience. Sometimes, it feels as though a piece of your heart has been torn away, leaving an emotional void that seems impossible to fill.
In these moments, people employ various strategies to cope with the distress, each unique to their own journey of moving on. Some seek solace in friends and family, others immerse themselves in hobbies, while some discover newfound strength in self-reflection.
Regardless of the path chosen, the pain of heartbreak remains universal.
One such story centers around a 17-year-old girl who found herself in a beautiful relationship with her high school sweetheart. But as quickly as it had begun, the relationship crumbled, leaving her devastated.
The initial shock and heartache were nearly unbearable, but as the days went by, she stumbled upon a method to hasten the healing process. This method involved penning down every negative attribute of her ex-partner, from personality traits to actions to things they said, etc.
This exercise unearthed a stark truth: the relationship had been marred by significant red flags, particularly concerning his misogynistic beliefs. Indeed, the clarity was liberating for OP.
However, when she shared this newfound clarity with her circle of friends, reactions were mixed. Although most were supportive, one friend vehemently disagreed and accused her of being vindictive.
A fiery argument erupted, further straining an already delicate situation. This friend's bitter response baffled her, leading her to question her own intentions and actions.
Scroll down to find out the full details of the story.
The story in detail
Reddit.comOP felt devastated after her boyfriend ended their relationship
Reddit.comOP tried out a new coping method to try getting over her ex. Unfortunately, one of her friends wasn't ok with this "mean" approach
Reddit.comBoth of them got into an argument that is now threatening to end their friendship
Reddit.com"NTA...Looks like you found his current girlfriend."
Reddit.com"Are you sure there is nothing going on between your 'friend' and your ex?"
Reddit.com"NTA, and your friend is probably in love with your ex."
Reddit.com"NTA...There is literally no reason for her to get upset about that."
Reddit.com"NTA. You didn’t even tell them what you wrote, just that it was helping."
Reddit.com"Your friend is way out of line and it sounds like she wants your ex."
Reddit.com"Nobody fights so hard defending someone's ex, more than the new missus."
Reddit.com"I would not be surprised if she had some type of feelings for him."
Reddit.com"NTA and the drama queen needs to get a life."
Reddit.comUpdate: Turns out something was going on behind the scenes
Reddit.comWell, it turns out the suspicion of the commenters was spot on. OP finally confirmed that her friend and ex-boyfriend hooked up a week later at a party.
The commenters have reiterated that OP is free to use her new coping method so long as it brings her the comfort she desires. It's sad that she'll be losing two important people in her life, but maybe it's for the better.
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