Women Shame MLMs For Being "Ridiculous" "Scams" And Say They Brag About Wrong Things To Acquire Leads

Well, if she feels that htis is freedom then maybe this is enough for her.

Women Shame MLMs For Being "Ridiculous" "Scams" And Say They Brag About Wrong Things To Acquire Leads

We're back here again, and today we're looking at another post from Reddit that was submitted to the anti MLM page. If you don't know what an MLM is, basically, it is a multi-level marketing business where people have to recruit others to work for them in order to earn commission.

Or they may prompt you to purchase their products, but a lot of it is getting people to join the MLM with you so that their sales will make you money as well. Ultimately, it's pretty much a scam, and everyone has outed these businesses for what they really are.

There's not much money to be made in these businesses here, and we definitely think that they need to consider other people when coming out with businesses that will make people join and lose everything. There is just not much income to be made here, so when people join, it's a waste of time and money.

With this said, this Reddi thread is anti-MLM, and they like to share tons of MLM posts. This one we're looking at features a woman who says she's thankful for her business because it allows her to eat out, as she's showing herself holding up a McDonald's bag.

Of course, people in the comments think it's funny that she's even holding up a bag of McDonald's food to showcase how well her business is treating her. Let's dive in and see what people had to say here.

This is the original post that someone shared on Reddit and they screenshotted this woman's Facebook post where she's promoting her business.

This is the original post that someone shared on Reddit and they screenshotted this woman's Facebook post where she's promoting her business.Reddit

It is sad and it's actually really forced. Many women don't want to post like this but they have to in order to make a living with an MLM.

It is sad and it's actually really forced. Many women don't want to post like this but they have to in order to make a living with an MLM.stevenfrijoles

This is actually a pretty interesting way to look at this because this probably is marketing the business to the right people.

This is actually a pretty interesting way to look at this because this probably is marketing the business to the right people.Reddit

I mean at this point we don't know whether it's sad or if it's funny but we can all agree that it's indeed ridiculous.

I mean at this point we don't know whether it's sad or if it's funny but we can all agree that it's indeed ridiculous.Reddit

As some people said though, maybe to some McDonald's is a bit of a luxury and so this is marketing towards the perfect people for an MLM business.

As some people said though, maybe to some McDonald's is a bit of a luxury and so this is marketing towards the perfect people for an MLM business.Dianerrbanana

It's actually interesting to hear that she had people commenting on her post that were interested in this after everyone here has said what they said.

It's actually interesting to hear that she had people commenting on her post that were interested in this after everyone here has said what they said.Reddit

People then tried to talk about the pricing of McDonalds and how it was much cheaper back then. So maybe it is a luxury now.

People then tried to talk about the pricing of McDonalds and how it was much cheaper back then. So maybe it is a luxury now.theclansman22

It's sad that they go for people wh will look at their post and feel like it will help them even though they're promoting it in a terrible way.

It's sad that they go for people wh will look at their post and feel like it will help them even though they're promoting it in a terrible way.6taChick

Targeting young moms or the younger generation who don't want to work for a boss is the way they get people to join these things.

Targeting young moms or the younger generation who don't want to work for a boss is the way they get people to join these things.ElectraUnderTheSea

We definitely hope that this lady jumps out of the MLM business and realizes that she's not really going to make much money like this, and it could definitely ruin her finances. We don't stan MLM businesses, and we feel like they are just targeting people to make the higher-ups money.

It's no better than slaving at a corporate job at that point.
