Check Out This Online Archive That Has Thousands Of Historic Children's Books That You Can Read For Free
These books perfectly present the values, the models, the facts and the stereotypes of certain times

You have to agree with me and a lot of people out there that literature has always been fascinating. If you're asking why then you should know that it allows readers to "relive" particular ages, and children's literature continues this tendency.
Have you ever wondered how children were being taught in the past? Well, children's books have a very extensive history, which helps us to better comprehend and even learn a lot about the education of children during a certain historical period.
Although written and illustrated children's books first gained widespread recognition in the 19th century, they have been around for hundreds of years. It's interesting to note that most children's books published up to this point share a common theme.
Regardless of the authors, these novels always attempted to strike a balance between fun and learning. However, it has never been simpler to read the most uplifting and cherished of these works.
Anyone can now freely browse this online collection of 7,000 children's books. This is all thanks to the Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature at the University of Florida.
Even titles from the 19th century are included in this distinctive collection. Some of them can even be downloaded, and they can also be read online.
This children books help us learn so much about children education of a specific historical period

You can find novels like the classic Cinderella or Pretty Little Stories for Pretty Little People in this database, which covers a wide range of subjects from religious stories to cute animal tales.
Interestingly, most of the children books until now have something in common
In this archive you can find books as the classical Cinderella or Pretty Little Stories for Pretty Little People

Reading the most inspiring and the most appreciated of these books has never been easier

From the 17th century to the present, the collection contains about 115,000 volumes, all written in English and published in the US and UK. While some of these works describe how Victorian parents typically educated their kids, others are merely illustrations.
“By the end of the 18th century,” writes Newcastle University professor M.O. Grenby, “children’s literature was a flourishing, separate and secure part of the publishing industry in Britain.”

Some were even written in black and illustrated, such as Ellen Tarry's 1946 novel My Dog Rinty. After all, children's literature demonstrates how society views child education.
Therefore, these works accurately depict the principles, role models, realities, and even caricatures of particular eras.
The collection has over 115,000 volumes, all published in English

In conclusion, everybody who enjoys reading should check out this enormous library. So be sure to stop by the Baldwin Library of Historical Children's Literature at the University of Florida and select your favorite kid's book!
Some of these books present how parents tend to educate their children in the Victorian era

Today, we probably associate children's literature with enjoyment more than with the purpose of imparting moral lessons. For young readers, there are plays, poetry, and books referred to as children's literature.
Both kids and adults equally appreciate stories geared for children, despite the fact that the genre is defined by its target audience.
(h.t: openculture|mymodernmet)
