50 Astonishing Discoveries People Made While Walking Through The Woods

Yes, forests are magical places.

50 Astonishing Discoveries People Made While Walking Through The Woods

The forest is often thought of as a mystical place because of its beauty, tranquility, wildness, and connection to the spiritual. Its towering trees and dense foliage can create a sense of mystery and awe, while the sounds of nature and the smell of the earth can evoke a sense of serenity and peace.

For some, a forest is a place of spiritual renewal and connection with the divine. For others, it is a place of amazing discoveries.

Imagine the deep, verdant, and musty forest that can almost be felt, absorbing your stress and calming your racing thoughts, bringing solace to your body and soul. It's no surprise that forests are so fascinating to us.

Forests are also some of the most mysterious places, with their power to capture our imaginations, from our carefree days spent playing in them as children to the horror movies we watch about haunted woods (who can forget The Blair Witch Project?). It's no wonder that people often feel that the only place other than Las Vegas, where whatever happens there remains there, is in the forest.

Below is a collection of photographs that perfectly capture this idea. Look at the craziest, strangest, and most thought-provoking discoveries people have made while walking through the woods, and let us know if you've seen something interesting too in the comments.

1. "I Found A Deer In A Makeshift Hut In The Woods"

1. reddit.com

2. "Random Old Chimney And Fireplace In The Middle Of The Woods. Found Off The Trail While Fishing In Northwest Pennsylvania"

2. ejsell

3. "Keeper Of The Woods"

3. Reddit

4. "This Abandoned Ship In The Middle Of A Forest"

4. csnaber

5. "Forest Huntress"

5. Anna & the Willow

6. "A RuneScape Player With Low Cooking Made This"

6. banditVEVO

7. "The Sculptures Are All Made Of Twig And Twine. They're Mostly Tucked Away Off The Main Paths, So If You Don't Know They're There, You Might Walk Right Past Them"

7. HarrisonMooney

8. "My Friend Has The Theory That If I Laid Down I Would Wake Up In The Hole In The Middle Of The Woods Every Night Like A Curse, And Keep Coming Back"

8. plastiboo

9. "Came Across Some Dinosaurs In The Woods"

9. hotforhotpie

10. "Found A Little Faerie Door In The Woods"

10. impeesa75

11. "An Albino Moose In The Forest"

11. Lizzyb04

12. "Igor Hit The Jackpot, And That's Why Jogging Is Good, Kids"

12. oryxspioenkop

13.' This Small-Scale Railway In The Forest"

13.' This Small-Scale Railway In The ForestSlobby_Chops

14. "Yes, She Found A Wild Mushroom In The Forest. No, She Didn't Eat Part Of It, She's Just Always A Derp"

14. GettinRDunn

15. "Clean-Cut Stone In A Swedish Forest"

15. AspLeaf

16. "Sleeping Bus In A Japanese Forest"


17. "Found This Gnome Town On A Walk In The Woods Today"

17. TitlickMcThick

18. "Just Going For A Little Hike"

18. historymatt

19. "Doorknob On A Tree In The Middle Of The Woods"

19. TheNotSoDarkKnight__

20. "I Was Walking In The Forest And Noticed That Some Plastic Was Sticking Out From Under A Rock. I Find It A Bit Eerie Since I Still Was On My Dad’s Property"

20. AlexxBoo_1

21. "Came Upon A Stained Glass Window Hanging In A Forest In Belgium"

21. ResonancePhotographr

22. "Massive Abandoned Sanatorium I Found In A German Forest"

22. woahruben

23. "In The Woods"

23. PossiblyWithout

24. "I Found An Old Abandoned Cottage N The Woods"

24. Fr0gFish

25. "An Old Jacket Hanging In The Woods With A Bird's Nest Built In The Pocket"

25. golden_blaze

26. "This Creepy Paper-Mache Family I Found While Walking In The Forest"

26. brodino_maiuscolo

27. "Out For A Walk, Found In The Middle Of A Forest"

27. Murphmonster

28. "A Forest Dining Room"

28. Flowerino

29. "Found A Cougar Skull In The Woods"

29. tomboski

30. "I Found A Plant-Based, Man-Made "Acorn" Hanging In The Middle Of The Woods"


31. "Found A Random Painting In The Middle Of The Woods"

31. George-R-R-Fartin

32. "I Have No Good Explanation For This. Found Three Hours Into A Deep Forest, 20ft In The Air, And Impaled On A Tree. Hours Away From Major Roads"

32. sheadymushroom

33. "This Wooden Throne In An English Woodland"

33. FloopersRetreat

34. "So I Was Walking In A Forest Near My City And Found This"

34. shahzebelahi

35. "Eerily Humanoid Shapes On This Tree"

35. ChrisPChicken04

36. "This Super Mario Pipe In The Woods In New Hampshire"

36. CaptJimHalyard

37. "An Ordinary Photo Of Some Lost Items In The Woods"

37. OGvoodoogoddess

38. "A Creepy Little Christmas Tree Fully Decorated In The Middle Of The Woods. Powered By What Looked Like Mini Solar Panels"

38. ygtjf

39. "A Cast Iron Cauldron I Found Buried In My Forest"

39. BoosterSqueak

40. "Pass Under The Stairs To Nowhere, Then Turn Around Three Times, To Find Yourself Right Where You Need To Be. His Is In Madame Sherri Forest In West Chesterfield, NH"


41. "Old Shoes In The Forest Turned To Moss"

41. Tzimbalo

42. "This Tower We Found In An Irish Forest Looks Like Something Out Of A Fairytale"

42. wintsykia

43. "This Guy I Found In The Woods, About 11ft Tall"

43. InfiniteInteger

44. "Steam Engine Left In The Forest. Ontario Canada"

44. Bad_memes42

45. "Found A Cool Tree In My Local Park And Felt Like It Needed Some Magic"

45. Shark-Farts

46. "Piano In The Woods"

46. oldIronfoot

47. "A Buddy Of Mine Found This Dinosaur While On A Hike The Other Day"

47. PVKT

48. "I Found This Carved Fox Inside A Tree Stump, In A Forest Close To My Home"

48. DiceELITE

49. "This Random Chandelier Left Hanging In The Forest"

49. rosevann

50. "Skull Looking Rock In The Middle Of The Forest"

50. Bo4dan

Forests were often considered sacred in old age. In many cultures, forests were seen as places of spiritual power and even served as sacred sites for rituals, ceremonies, and other aspects of spiritual practice.

Additionally, forests were often seen as places of refuge, providing shelter and sustenance for those who lived off the land. Thus, forests often played an important role in pre-industrial societies and were often held in high regard.

And it is not hard to see why.
