Redditor Forced By Her Fiancé To Keep The Kitten He Gifted Her Tries To Find A Way Out

The kitten is causing chaos and attacking her bird

Redditor Forced By Her Fiancé To Keep The Kitten He Gifted Her Tries To Find A Way Out

One Reddit user, throw_catissues, recently took to the AITA subreddit to share an issue she's having with her fiance. throw_catissues said she adopted a kitten in February.

But when its health worsened rapidly through the months, she gave it to a friend's mom who wanted a cat to see whether a change of environment would improve his health. It worked, and the cat started doing better.

Two weeks after, throw_catissues's fiance surprised her with a kitten to replace the former one. throw_catissues said she told him she didn't want the kitten because she has a parrot and that the duo may not get along well.

However, her fiance convinced her to keep the kitten anyway. According to throw_catissues, her life has been a mess since then.

She said the kitten constantly chases her parrot whenever it is out of its cage. She also narrated how the kitten ripped her paperwork, broke some of her figurines, and shredded a ball owned by the previous cat.

throw_catissues said she has been telling her fiance to find someone to adopt the kitten as she can't deal with it anymore, but he always gets angry at her nagging. Her fiance was so vexed one time that he wanted to take the kitten and dump it on the street.

However, throw_catissues convinced him not to do it and suggested he takes it to a vet instead. throw_catissues wants to know whether she's being an asshole for asking her fiance to get rid of the kitten.

Here's what the AITA community members had to say on the matter.

Here's how it started.

Here's how it started.u/throw_catissues

Her life is a mess since the cat arrived. Here's how Reddit responded.

Her life is a mess since the cat arrived. Here's how Reddit responded.u/throw_catissues

1. She shouldn't care for a kitten she doesn't want.

1. She shouldn't care for a kitten she doesn't want.u/throw_catissues

2. Surprising someone with a pet gift is bad.

2. Surprising someone with a pet gift is bad.u/throw_catissues

3. Her fiancé should take care of the kitten instead.

3. Her fiancé should take care of the kitten instead.u/throw_catissues

4. They should rehome the kitten.

4. They should rehome the kitten.u/throw_catissues

5. Gifting someone a pet without their permission is irresponsible.

5. Gifting someone a pet without their permission is irresponsible.u/throw_catissues

6. Her fiancé doesn't want to shoulder the responsibility of owning a kitten.

6. Her fiancé doesn't want to shoulder the responsibility of owning a kitten.u/throw_catissues

7. She should break up with him.

7. She should break up with him.u/throw_catissues

8. Her fiancé is an a-hole for getting her kitten without her permission.

8. Her fiancé is an a-hole for getting her kitten without her permission.u/throw_catissues

9. It's wrong to surprise someone with a pet.

9. It's wrong to surprise someone with a pet.u/throw_catissues

10. Pet gifts are a bad idea.

10. Pet gifts are a bad idea.u/throw_catissues

11. She should rehome the kitten if her fiancé isn't willing to take it.

11. She should rehome the kitten if her fiancé isn't willing to take it.u/throw_catissues

12. What her fiancé did is wrong.

12. What her fiancé did is wrong.u/throw_catissues

13. Pets are not ideal gift items.

13. Pets are not ideal gift items.u/throw_catissues

14. She should find a local rescue group to adopt the kitten.

14. She should find a local rescue group to adopt the kitten.u/throw_catissues

15. Her fiancé sounds like a narcissistic abuser. She should reconsider getting married to him.

15. Her fiancé sounds like a narcissistic abuser. She should reconsider getting married to him.u/throw_catissues

16. Her fiancé got her a burden, not a gift.

16. Her fiancé got her a burden, not a gift.u/throw_catissues

17. She should surrender the kitten to a vet and end the relationship with her fiancé.

17. She should surrender the kitten to a vet and end the relationship with her fiancé.u/throw_catissues

What Do You Think?

There are many difficult things about owning a pet, making it a bad gift idea. Most times, pets given as gifts end up at animal shelters shortly after they are gifted.

While surprising someone with a pet may seem sweet, the fact that the pet risks facing a grim future at a shelter if the person isn't prepared for the responsibility that comes with owning a pet should be a compelling reason to discard the idea.

If you are considering getting a pet for anyone, it is best to have an open discussion about it first. What do you think about this situation?
