Legendary "Florida Man" Headlines That'll Make You Go "What Even.."

Legends state that the Florida Man is still out there, lurking for his next opportunity to commit strange crimes.

  • Published in Funny
Legendary "Florida Man" Headlines That'll Make You Go "What Even.."

You may have seen multiple online news article headings that start with the a familiar set of words- "Florida Man.." Yes, apparently it's always Florida men who commit the strangest crimes. These crimes include throwing an alligator through the window of a Wendy's drive-thru and ripping a urinal off of a wall.

I can already hear you saying 'that's ridiculous!' but here's the thing: the legend of the Florida man will never die. Some say he is out there to this day, waiting to do something even wilder than his last crime.

(Spoiler alert: the Florida Man is not one person, but a collection of people from a few of the weirdest headlines I've ever seen. Enjoy!)

Job failed successfully.

Job failed successfully.

You only had one job.

You only had one job.



This image holds an unintelligible amount of power.

This image holds an unintelligible amount of power.

Ah, friendship.

Ah, friendship.

I wasn't kidding:

I wasn't kidding:

Hey, at least he was honest.

Hey, at least he was honest.

Something's off about this image, but it's gold nonetheless.

Something's off about this image, but it's gold nonetheless.

Another honest person over here.

Another honest person over here.

The use of 'again' makes this extra amusing.

The use of 'again' makes this extra amusing.