Woman Accidentally Floods Deceased Mother's House After Inheriting It And Feels Absolutely Terrible About It And Wanted To Tell The Story

It's not everyday that you inherit a home and accidentally ruin it all in the same moment.

Woman Accidentally Floods Deceased Mother's House After Inheriting It And Feels Absolutely Terrible About It And Wanted To Tell The Story

We are here to share another TIFU post that was written on the Reddit page. We love to go over these posts because it's always interesting to see what people have to say and what the comments have to say about the situation too.

This story is a bit sad in the beginning, and honestly, as it goes on, we can tell that OP definitely had a rough time when it came to her mother's inheritance and going through the process of going through her stuff. She came to Reddit to get some advice on her situation and kind of just get it out in the open.

She had a lot to say and explained her situation to everyone in vulnerable state. We wanted to share this story for those of you going through something similar or those of you who might just want a story to read and invest your time in today.

She explains in detail how she ended up flooding the home and destroying some of her mom's things. Ultimately this situation really sucks all around, so keeping her in your thoughts is necessary as you read through this story.

If you're interested in learning more, then keep on reading as we share her story.

OP starts off the post with talking about inheriting her mom's home.

OP starts off the post with talking about inheriting her mom's home.No-use-for-a-

She then says that her mom was a bit of a hoarder and she had a lot of things in the home. Of course, OP was having to go through it.

She then says that her mom was a bit of a hoarder and she had a lot of things in the home. Of course, OP was having to go through it.No-use-for-a-

She decided to take a bath to ease her nerves and relax, but she accidentally left the water running.

She decided to take a bath to ease her nerves and relax, but she accidentally left the water running.No-use-for-a-

The bathroom flooded with water and she quickly panicked to control it as much as possible.

The bathroom flooded with water and she quickly panicked to control it as much as possible.No-use-for-a-

She basically tried everything that she could think of to soak up the water, but there's a lot of it. Clearly she's having a rough time.

She basically tried everything that she could think of to soak up the water, but there's a lot of it. Clearly she's having a rough time.No-use-for-a-

She quotes her mom and explains the situation about all of the stuff in her house. We don't blame her for not wanting to just throw her things away.

She quotes her mom and explains the situation about all of the stuff in her house. We don't blame her for not wanting to just throw her things away.No-use-for-a-

She get's quite vulnerable and we get to see how she's feeling in this moment after this event happened.

She get's quite vulnerable and we get to see how she's feeling in this moment after this event happened.No-use-for-a-

Shen ends with saying that she ruined all her moms things. We really can tell how bad OP feels about this.

Shen ends with saying that she ruined all her moms things. We really can tell how bad OP feels about this.No-use-for-a-

This is the first comment and they had a lot to say about her situation.

This is the first comment and they had a lot to say about her situation.Squickysquick

This person really had a lot of advice for her to make her situation much better. There are a few parts to this comment because it's quite long.

This person really had a lot of advice for her to make her situation much better. There are a few parts to this comment because it's quite long.Squickysquick

Obviously this person really has a way with words and they seemed to know exactly what to say to her.

Obviously this person really has a way with words and they seemed to know exactly what to say to her.Squickysquick

They truly made her and us look at it from a totally different perspective and we love that because it's definitely a healing comment.

They truly made her and us look at it from a totally different perspective and we love that because it's definitely a healing comment.Squickysquick

OP definitely needed as much encouragement as they could get and we don't blame them for reacting the way they did, but this comment can give OP some hope.

OP definitely needed as much encouragement as they could get and we don't blame them for reacting the way they did, but this comment can give OP some hope.Squickysquick

They ended the comment by relating it back to how his wife passed and how he helped himself get through the grieving process.

They ended the comment by relating it back to how his wife passed and how he helped himself get through the grieving process.Squickysquick

People really showed so much support in the comments it shows that there are amazing people out there.

People really showed so much support in the comments it shows that there are amazing people out there.AZymph

Her story is the more important aspect, but we understand how devastating it can be to go through something like this.

Her story is the more important aspect, but we understand how devastating it can be to go through something like this.AZymph

This person also gave her a little advice on how to take care of the housing and the flooring situation after the flooding.

This person also gave her a little advice on how to take care of the housing and the flooring situation after the flooding.AZymph

Although she was a hoarder, even she knew that things weren't the whole part of life, but her family. OP should keep that in mind for sure.

Although she was a hoarder, even she knew that things weren't the whole part of life, but her family. OP should keep that in mind for sure.JohnTM3

This person came in with a quote and some advice form a wise person that they met once.

This person came in with a quote and some advice form a wise person that they met once.MrBeverly

He continued on with the quote to OP.

He continued on with the quote to OP.MrBeverly

This definitely can be wise words to someone who might need to hear them.

This definitely can be wise words to someone who might need to hear them.MrBeverly

This situation is more of a sad one but we thought that was even more reason to cover it so heavily. We really hope that OP found some grace and got the support she needed to deal with both the loss and also the housing issues.

We hope anyone going through anything similar reads through some of these comments.
