Memes Used By Flat Earthers To Explain The 'Logic' Behind Why Earth Is Flat

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Memes Used By Flat Earthers To Explain The 'Logic' Behind Why Earth Is Flat

Flat Earth. Where do I even begin. The most hilarious of all conspiracy theories. And honestly, I don't like that term. I think there's definitely things that are going on beneath the surface of this world that we should be worries about.

Governments have a long history of lying to their people. Is the Earth flat though? No. It just isn't. What surely began as a stupid joke has developed into somewhat of a cult movement making its way across the USA and beyond.

So here to celebrate this strange world that we live in, is 16 excellently informative memes about Flat Earth that are sure to keep you fairly certain that the Earth is a spinning globe. Enjoy.



Run those air conditioners day and night!

Run those air conditioners day and night!



Because clearly the atmosphere doesn't exist.

Because clearly the atmosphere doesn't exist.

Massive sample size here.

Massive sample size here.

Big foot is real!

Big foot is real!

This may have been from the other side...

This may have been from the other side...

I don't think this person has ever been in a plane.

I don't think this person has ever been in a plane.



Too much Mario

Too much Mario

So curious!

So curious!

Obviously soccer balls and planets are similar things.

Obviously soccer balls and planets are similar things.

I'm sure there's an answer to this question. Stop using maths against scientists.

I'm sure there's an answer to this question. Stop using maths against scientists.

Wait... what?

Wait... what?

You can't argue with this logic.

You can't argue with this logic.

I love when people start trying to use mathematics.

I love when people start trying to use mathematics.