Teenager Believes His First Date Went Well Only To Be Left Shocked With The Feedback He Received

"This was really heartbreaking for me"

Teenager Believes His First Date Went Well Only To Be Left Shocked With The Feedback He Received

Although going on a first date can make anyone anxious, it can also be a wonderful experience. This can be one's opportunity to establish a positive first impression and even begin a new relationship.

As we pointed out earlier, taking someone on a first date may be both an exciting and anxious experience. There's a chance you'll meet someone and click right away, but there's also a chance you'll be seated across from someone with whom you have nothing in common.

The narrator of today's story went on a date and the girl he had the date with was his female cousin's best friend. The OP went further to say:

It all started with the girl telling my cousin that she really likes me and that she‘s too shy to tell me her feelings, so my cousin told me everything. I was like alright no problem I had seen the girl before and I already liked her a lot due to the fact that she‘s very kind, cute, beautiful and that she really likes my 2 twin siblings.

The date went really well, in the OP's opinion, but he got negative feedback from his cousin. She said the girl doesn’t want to do anything with him anymore and that she likes blond or white dudes.

Well, didn't she know that before? Read the full story for yourself as you scroll down below.

The headline

The headlineReddit/DarkNation96

And the story kicks off

And the story kicks offReddit/DarkNation96

The things OP doesn't understand

The things OP doesn't understandReddit/DarkNation96

OP reveals why he wants a GF

I come from parents who don’t love each other and always fought each other even in front of me when I was a little kid. I guess I want a girlfriend to experience love and to be loved in general. I feel like there is a hole inside of me. It’s hard to explain but the date made me happy while it lasted… seeing her smile and laugh made me happier like nothing before. That’s the reason why I want a girlfriend…

And the comments roll in...

And the comments roll in...Reddit/DarkNation96

You're a mind reader

You're a mind readerReddit/DarkNation96

People are willing to branch out

People are willing to branch outReddit/DarkNation96

Going on dates

Going on datesReddit/DarkNation96

More information revealed by the OP in the comments

Now about my cousin: She seemed to be really bothered by my dates reaction and the girl was really mad at my cousin for telling me all of this. So I definitively don’t think that my cousin had bad intentions. On top of that this cousin is like a sister to me. We grew up together since we were 1.

The OP was a confidence boost

The OP was a confidence boostReddit/DarkNation96

Hope this helps the OP

Hope this helps the OPReddit/DarkNation96

Not letting the cousin be the matchmaker

Not letting the cousin be the matchmakerReddit/DarkNation96

She told the OP the truth

She told the OP the truthReddit/DarkNation96

She can't communicate her feelings

She can't communicate her feelingsReddit/DarkNation96

Some Redditors say that the OP may never know, but there's a possibility his cousin may have made this up out of fear that he would take advantage of her standing with her or because she feels threatened by having to share her closest friend with him or that she will be the third wheel.

The OP must definitely take action in this manner, as Redditors told him never to base a decision on rumors.
