Financial Advisor Openly Talks About Having An OnlyFans Account And Gets Fired After Arguing With Colleague Who Declined To Do The Same Thing
The company found out that her social media profile linked to her job also advertised her OnlyFans account.
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A 30-year-old financial advisor is getting blamed for the termination of a younger colleague. The controversial conversation that started everything happened during one of their lunch breaks.
They were all sitting together when T brought up her other job. T happily shared that she launched an OnlyFans account and was already getting subscribers.
T encouraged their other colleagues to "take their future into their own hands" by following in her footsteps. T turned her attention to OP and suggested that she try it.
OP shrugged it off and said OnlyFans wasn't something she wanted to do. T asked for OP's reasons, and she explained it was like asking her to be an actor or a doctor — those industries didn't appeal to her.
T got defensive and asked OP if she thought she was better than her. OP said that wasn't the case and explained that a career in sex work wasn't for her.
T took OP's comments and explanations personally. She said if OP was happy wasting her life as an employee to keep her dignity, then that was on her.
She told OP to stop judging her for using OnlyFans to ensure a better future for herself. T also brought up OP's children to drive her point home.
She implied that OP was a poor provider to her kids because she was more concerned about her dignity. Involving her two kids in the discussion pissed OP off.
T stormed off and went back to her desk. A manager overheard the heated discussion and asked OP what happened. OP shared what T said to her and their group.
u/Logical-Preference73Apart from that conversation with a manager, OP thought nothing more of her lunch time argument with T. A week later, she noticed T's absence.
u/Logical-Preference73One of T's work friends was shooting daggers at OP. When OP sat down, the coworker asked if OP was pleased with herself for having T fired because she had an OnlyFans.
u/Logical-Preference73OP went to the manager she talked to and asked what happened. The manager said she investigated T's social media and the consensus was her side gig did not reflect well on their company.
u/Logical-Preference73Higher ups called T to a meeting and was subsequently dismissed
u/Logical-Preference73OP feels guilty. T's work friends labeled OP as a "jealous b*tch" and a slut-shamer. The manager reassured OP that she did nothing wrong and that she has no reason to feel guilty about what happened to T.
u/Logical-Preference73OP didn't campaign to get T fired. A manager overheard details of their argument. Those details led the company to believe that T was a liability and she was terminated.
Evil_MelI don't enjoy the "what if a man said the same thing" argument, but it works in this case. T encouraging coworkers to become sex workers while they were at work was unprofessional.
HelenaKelleherT immediately going on the defensive to prove how proud she was of her OnlyFans career made it seem like she felt the exact opposite
ghoulieandrewsShe really should have familiarized herself with their company's social media policy before linking her OnlyFans account to her social media where she indicated her workplace
keleverythings19What happened to T wasn't OP's fault
Scout_321It really did look like T was just waiting for someone who wasn't so enthusiastic about OnlyFans to air out her frustrations and make herself feel better
BlashmirThey wouldn't have terminated her if they didn't have a solid basis for it
LingonberryRumAnyone who overheard T sharing about her new gig could have reported her to HR
dart1126If she discussed it that freely and advertised it on social media, it was only a matter of time before the company found out
dart1126If T wasn't so determined to paint OP as a narrow-minded person, then she would still have a job. Employees are expected to behave professionally while at work, and T's lunchtime soliloquy was anything but.
OP didn't slut-shame her, she just explained why she didn't want to have an OnlyFans account when T pressed her to explain. OP should take note of whether T's friends continue to harass her.