Student Scores Perfect Grade After Boldly Handing In A 19-Word Essay, But It Came With A Priceless Warning
Sometimes, breaking the rules pays off.

Let's face it: tackling essays can be like stepping into the ring, and not everyone’s up for the knockout punches.
Some students take a careful, strategic approach, crafting well-researched arguments and even weaving in citations. Others leave their essays until the eleventh hour, typing feverishly with only moments to spare.
And, of course, there are the hackers, the creative types who’ll try any trick in the book to make it through with as little effort as possible.
You’ve probably heard of those “hidden text” tactics, where random words are tucked in and turned white, or maybe you’ve heard about padding out sentences just to hit the word count. The world of academic shortcuts is truly a colorful one.
However, every so often, a student rises above these old tricks with something fresh and funny—something that makes both their peers and teachers stop and say, “Wait, did they really just do that?” This brings us to Allison Garrett, a student with a bold plan to beat the essay game.
When her teacher assigned a movie review, Allison had no intention of writing page after page of analysis. Instead, she saw an opportunity, a chance to show off a little bit of wit and play to her teacher’s sense of humor.
After all, who says an essay has to be a long, drawn-out thing? Why not get straight to the point, especially when the subject is a movie that’s all about rebellion and bending the rules?
One thing you can’t wriggle out of while in school is essays, and unfortunately—they don’t write themselves.

Allison took that rebellious spirit to heart and went viral in 2019 after sharing her masterpiece on Twitter. Her topic of choice was none other than Fight Club, the iconic 1999 movie by David Fincher. She knew there was no better time to bring her own twist to an assignment.
In her ‘essay’ (if you could call it that), Allison didn’t just skip the fluff. She dove right to the heart of the movie—with a mere nineteen words.
If you’re familiar with Fight Club, you probably know exactly which line she used. Allison’s review consisted simply of: “The first rule of fight club is: you do not talk about fight club.” She even capped it off with a cheeky “That's it. That’s the essay.”
Allison took the phrase ‘less is more’ to a whole new level

She shared her minimalist masterpiece on Twitter in 2019, and people couldn’t get enough. Her teacher, however, faced a bit of a grading dilemma; they were equal parts amused and puzzled.
When the teacher’s feedback is longer than the actual essay, you know you’ve hit a legendary level of audacity

After some contemplation, they finally rewarded her ingenuity with a perfect score. But the grade came with a twist—a firm warning. “Let me warn you: do NOT try this kind of thing with other professors; they may not have my sense of humor.”
Allison’s little risk paid off, but as her teacher advised, this strategy might not fly with everyone. For students thinking of pulling a similar move, remember: sometimes it’s a gamble, and you may not always find an ‘understanding’ teacher like Allison’s.