Man Gets Annoyed As His GF Is Going To A 5-Day Festival And He Has To Look After Their Puppy

"Am I missing it here? Am I the one not being reasonable?"

Man Gets Annoyed As His GF Is Going To A 5-Day Festival And He Has To Look After Their Puppy

Festivals are a creative way to honor different illustrious traditions, cultures, and heritage. They are intended to celebrate significant events in our lives with the people we love.

They are crucial in giving our social lives shape and in keeping us connected to our roots and family. They provide us with a diversion from the monotonous daily grind of life and some motivation to keep in mind the significant events and times.

The purpose of festivals is to transmit myths, information, and customs to future generations. And I guess that’s one of the reasons this Redditor chose to go for one with her friend, though they had their own personal reasons.

The OP posted her story to the AITA subreddit community, telling them how her boyfriend has chosen to be stubborn on an issue that already had a solution. According to her story, she and her girlfriend were going to a festival that would last five days, but then they needed someone to watch over the dog.

The OP clearly had a solution that sounded great, but then her boyfriend was still being headstrong and saying that "he doesn’t want others watching his dog for that long." Well, I’ll just pause it right here and let you read the whole story in the OP’s own words below.

And here, we have the headline...

And here, we have the headline...u/ADHDdaydreamer

Everyone has grown up now

Everyone has grown up nowu/ADHDdaydreamer

He won't be able to take on additional clients...

He won't be able to take on additional clients...u/ADHDdaydreamer

Here is a solution proposed by the OP

Here is a solution proposed by the OPu/ADHDdaydreamer

My mom is happy to pop in

My mom is happy to pop inu/ADHDdaydreamer

I'm off on teacher summer

I'm off on teacher summeru/ADHDdaydreamer

Most of the comments showed that redditors were in support of the OP since she clearly had a solution to the problem, and they thought that her boyfriend was just being overly jealous while using the dog as an excuse. Below are some of their most upvoted comments, so go ahead and read them all.


1. Nothing more than usual for a pup

1. Nothing more than usual for a pupGroundbreakingAide79

2. You have a whole gang happy to take care of the dog

2. You have a whole gang happy to take care of the dogParsimoniousSalad

3. He doesn't seem like he wants a solution

3. He doesn't seem like he wants a solutionimimayj

4. This Redditor is suggesting the dog being put in kennels

4. This Redditor is suggesting the dog being put in kennelsMain-Ad-2757

5. You should tell him you're disappointed

5. You should tell him you're disappointedAntstst

6. We're just hitting a bit of stale mate

6. We're just hitting a bit of stale matePuzzleheaded_pony711

7. Try to ignore as he blows up your phone

7. Try to ignore as he blows up your phoneElectrical-Aioli6045

8. Be explicit about the number of days you'll be gone

8. Be explicit about the number of days you'll be goneFickle_Ostrich4923

9. You came up with a very reasonable solution

9. You came up with a very reasonable solutionohcommash_t

10. He wouldn't be puppy sitting that much

10. He wouldn't be puppy sitting that muchmorebeez

11. He just has an issue with you going away

11. He just has an issue with you going awayFantastic-Focus-7056

12. You could have explained the Weeknd in advance

12. You could have explained the Weeknd in advancenotforcommentin2

13. He should see it as the time goes

13. He should see it as the time goeselisa_lepine

14. The puppy is just an excuse for different things

14. The puppy is just an excuse for different thingslynnharris3321

15. What do we do for pets???

15. What do we do for pets???TheOrchidsAreAlright

16. It's not like you're out all the time

16. It's not like you're out all the timeForceAccomplished890

17. This redditor is advising not procreate with the guy

17. This redditor is advising not procreate with the guyNtlDerpFoundation

18. It's on him if he doesn't want to take the offer

18. It's on him if he doesn't want to take the offerMinute-Aioli-5054

19. He's trying to guilt trip you into not going

19. He's trying to guilt trip you into not goingJanetInSpain

20. The puppy thing is just an excuse to make you feel bad and guilty

20. The puppy thing is just an excuse to make you feel bad and guiltyDisastrous-Box-4304

Having a pet means that you’ve got responsibilities, and you can’t just abandon them without making proper arrangements. If you ask me, the OP had a good solution to the problem, but her boyfriend is just making things difficult, or do you think otherwise?

Share your thoughts with us by dropping them in the comments section below.
