20-Year-Old Female, Who Is Being Parentified By Her Mom, Wants To Move Out Of Her Home
She feels like a single mom to her four younger siblings.
- Published in Interesting
Children are supposed to behave like children and teens should be teens. Sadly, some parents expect their children to behave like adults.
This is called parentification. It happens when parents expect their children to take on greater responsibilities in the household.
These young ones are being forced to be "mini parents" to their younger siblings. According to experts, parentification negatively impacts a child's development.
We know that it's completely fine to teach children some responsibility. After all, it helps them be ready for the real world.
But when those responsibilities become excessive, it takes away their energy from doing what they're supposed to do as youths. Parents should give their children the time to grow, mature, and learn.
Today, we're looking at the story of a 20-year-old woman. Her mom constantly pushes her into taking care of her four younger siblings.
She posted her experience on Reddit and her plans of moving out in the Am I the A**hole subreddit (AITA). According to the young lady, she feels like a single mom to her siblings than their mom.
Is she wrong for wanting to move out? This is what she wanted to know when she asked the community.
Redditors were generally supportive of her decision. Let's take a look at their responses.
The original poster narrates her story.
Few_Blood1369Her plans to move out
Few_Blood1369At this point, the mom is and will keep taking advantage of her daughter.
RedditDK2The original poster doesn't believe that her mom would be able to cope once she's gone.
Few_Blood1369Calling the CPS could be the answer.
Diesel-KingSome suggested the next best steps after she finally moves out.
AdGroundbreaking4397She needs to give some instructions to her siblings too.
AdGroundbreaking4397The original poster needs to prepare for when her mom takes the steps to prevent her from leaving.
rpslsContacting the fathers of her siblings is also a good start.
Corfiz74No matter how much she loves her siblings, they are still not her responsibility. The original poster has her own life to live.
SchnootFarmsShe needs to take charge of her life. Otherwise, she'll be robbed of her young adult life.
MudLOASadly, she doesn't know who the fathers of her siblings are.
RealTexasJakeWhat the mom needs to do
AccessibleBeigeOr she could take care of them herself. That's an option too.
Creative_username969Even from afar, she can still check on her siblings.
RealTexasJakeShe finally learns what her situation is called.
PineTreeMistressThe original poster has the choice.
KnitsanityThis is understandable.
KnitsanityHer mom is manipulative.
carolinedivaIn the first place, the original poster isn't supposed to be the parent.
CoyotePatronusShe needs to take care of herself before taking care of her siblings.
aperturecakeThe mom isn't being a mother to her children.
Sadly, the original poster is more involved in her siblings' lives. It's hard to make a decision is such a situation.
We hope that the original poster finds the best solution to this problem. With such an irresponsible mother, it's probably best to involve the CPS.