Inheritance Dispute: Grandchildren Receive £50 From £500k Fortune Due To Lack Of Visits

One parent’s bold act of treason to protect their family.
When it comes to wild animals, one thing you should never do is feed them. Unless, of course, you're our narrator’s (Original Poster’s) mom and her husband, who have turned their backyard into a gourmet coyote buffet.
Yes, you read that right, coyotes. For at least a year, the furry freeloaders have been dining on leftovers every evening, courtesy of OP’s ever-so-generous mother and her spouse. Frankly speaking, it had become a bit of a family crisis.
When OP first visited, they couldn't help but voice their concerns. Coyotes, after all, weren’t exactly the cuddliest of backyard visitors.
However, these concerns were swept under the rug, as if fearing for one's safety was some kind of comedic routine. OP’s brother also sounded the alarm after noticing the coyote catering service, but his efforts were futile.
It wasn’t long before family visits took a geographical shift. Instead of cozying up at Mom's place, OP and their brood opted for the safety of Dad’s house instead. Cue the guilt trips from Mom because nothing says "family bonding" like a side of emotional manipulation.
But here’s the kicker: OP’s mom was getting a puppy soon. Yes, a tiny, innocent puppy, soon to be introduced to the same backyard where the coyote mafia holds nightly feasts.
This development cranked the anxiety dial up to eleven, and OP was left with no choice but to report their mom to animal control. Sadly, they were now stuck in this weird space of feeling like an absolute villain. Did they really make the right move?
Redditors assured OP that they made the right choice. Coyotes are a significant threat, and drastic measures need to be taken before things get really messy. Sometimes, tough love is the only way to ensure everyone – human and canine – stays safe.
Do you agree with this verdict? Let us know in the comments.