People Uncover 20 Popular Survival Myths That Don't Work And Can Be Dangerous

We've all probably heard some tips and tricks on surviving certain situations, but some of them actually turned out to be a myth.

People Uncover 20 Popular Survival Myths That Don't Work And Can Be Dangerous

We've all probably heard tips on how to escape a gunman, or how to get safely out of a sinking car, or something like that. It just seems that many of us learn these survival tips along our journey of life, and we kind of just take the person's word on it.

Now, we all know that anything can happen to anyone, so finding all this knowledge is a great little way to store these tips and information for a rainy day when you might encounter a situation where you'll need it. We're not saying to focus on the and, but sometimes it's best to be prepared for it.

With this being said, we're here to reveal 20 of these survival tips and tricks that are actually a myth. We want to share this with as many people as possible because it really can help people as we're sure that if we thought these were true, then so did other people.

It's always great to share useful information across the internet when there's always so much bad information. If you want to learn more about these survival tips and what you're not supposed to do, then keep on reading.

Here's tip number one so don't ever go with them or give in.

Here's tip number one so don't ever go with them or give in.Isaysmabel

Moose can actually be quite dangerous to us simply because of their size.

Moose can actually be quite dangerous to us simply because of their size.Sean_K_McLean

Most animals can maul a human to death in an instance without even hesitating.

Most animals can maul a human to death in an instance without even hesitating.durping1001

I don't know what they are talking about but it sure does warm me up.

I don't know what they are talking about but it sure does warm me up.k9cbw

I think the one up of having an instrument will always be superior.

I think the one up of having an instrument will always be superior.ErikFaden

This is true though because there are so many bad plants out there that are dangerous.

This is true though because there are so many bad plants out there that are dangerous.lucabrassy

Unfortunately all the school safety practices are ridiculous.

Unfortunately all the school safety practices are ridiculous.BenInCali

I don't know who said this but please go away.

I don't know who said this but please go away.awevicks

I'd be too scared to even do this honestly. I've heard this before but definitely don't know that it would work and I don't know if I'd want it to work.

I'd be too scared to even do this honestly. I've heard this before but definitely don't know that it would work and I don't know if I'd want it to work.pghguyinva

I don't think I've ever even heard this before but okay. I wouldn't want to recommend them to confront the bully.

I don't think I've ever even heard this before but okay. I wouldn't want to recommend them to confront the bully.jayquintana_jr

Sometimes just knowing the way of life can get you into trouble.

Sometimes just knowing the way of life can get you into trouble.AlasdairKenned1

I can't even figure out which part of this is the myth and what is true advice.

I can't even figure out which part of this is the myth and what is true advice.TylerChesmore

Turns out figuratively and literally this is not true. Lightening most definitely strikes wherever it can.

Turns out figuratively and literally this is not true. Lightening most definitely strikes wherever it can.pianoguyShane

I've also never heard this before because birds fly for transportation so I figured it was self explanatory that they could be going anywhere.

I've also never heard this before because birds fly for transportation so I figured it was self explanatory that they could be going anywhere.Spoderguy2

It doesn't and it's a little embarrassing so we'd recommend just to skip this step.

It doesn't and it's a little embarrassing so we'd recommend just to skip this step.BlueKingsOfKY

I don't want to know how they know this but I definitely wouldn't try it in real life.

I don't want to know how they know this but I definitely wouldn't try it in real life.inayat_khan_axk

Unfortunately these definitely will make you have tons of damage whether you "seal it off" or not.

Unfortunately these definitely will make you have tons of damage whether you FuriousImpulse

I just feel like either way you're probably a goner.

I just feel like either way you're probably a goner.BlindNewSpeak

You guys really had some crazy myths during this time.

You guys really had some crazy myths during this time.original_samuel

Sorry to say that all scorpions are extremely scary.

Sorry to say that all scorpions are extremely scary.ElleFromHell1

Well, this certainly solves some dilemmas. We're very glad that we were able to see into these myths because I feel like many of us would have probably tried one of these in a pinch.

If you have any more to send our way, make sure you share them, so we are all in the loop about what works and what doesn't.
