Woman Wonders How She Can Tell Her BF's Father That He Should Not Be Giving Hotdogs To His 7 Turtles
The turtles live in two small tanks that he doesn't clean regularly but the GF is conflicted because he took her in when she needed a safe place

Being indebted to another person is an unacceptable concept for a lot of people. The truly selfless ones would not expect anything in return when they extend a helping hand.
Some who are not as altruistic will use this favor as a weapon to emotionally manipulate the person they just helped. When in dire need, there is not a lot of time to differentiate between the two — beggars, after all, cannot be choosers.
Asking for help, even from family, can be tricky. No one knows that better than this 25-year-old who had no other choice but to live with her boyfriend and his dad.
She expressed her gratitude towards her BF's father ever since they took her in. She is not a freeloader since she pays $500 for rent, gives her share for utilities, and even helped the dad to declutter his home.
Since living with them, she noticed that her BF's dad has a "minor" hoarding issue. He also has a total of seven Red-eared slider turtles he keeps as pets.
The four adult turtles live full-time in an aquarium that can barely contain them. The three young turtles are housed in an even smaller tank.
OP's concerns did not disappear when she researched the proper care for this kind of turtle. She found out that the tank of the adult turtles is meant for two small ones.
They also should have a dry area to sun themselves but these poor turtles are underwater 24/7. It doesn't help that her BF's dad doesn't clean the turtles or their tank.
His neglect has caused the house to smell like rotten eggs and dirt

Her boyfriend has since volunteered to replace the tank water and change the filters once in a while

Unfortunately, the dad still feeds the turtles hotdogs which makes them and the water smell worse

When the water starts to smell, the dad will then comment about replacing it. This is a hint for someone else to do the cleaning.
She told her BF if he could talk his dad into giving up the turtles to a shelter and maybe just keep one or two. He said that won't happen and they really do not have a say when it comes to what pets his dad chooses to have.
OP feels guilty for even thinking this because of how much their family has done for her. It doesn't erase her concern for the welfare of the animals and the difficult living conditions all of them have to suffer because of the neglect.

Is it really OP's responsibility to go the extra mile for pets that aren't hers? Granted that they welcomed them in their home but she doesn't have to be at anyone's beck and call.

OP's gratefulness doesn't have to extend to becoming the primary caregiver of seven turtles. Based on the story, she already does her fair share around the house and the most she can do is raise her concerns about the condition of the animals.

Her BF's dad is already pawning his pets off to her when she was just making a suggestion. If she actively takes part in caring for them, they will become her full responsibility as long as she lived in that house.

If OP's primary focus is making sure the turtles are in a suitable environment, there are cheaper alternatives to look into

OP can discuss why the turtles deserve better, offer some suggestions how to make things better, but it is ultimately up to her BF's dad what to do with his pets

Her BF's dad is definitely neglecting those poor turtles and they all deserve better

Redditors helpfully gave some suggestions how OP can handle the situation

BF's dad needs face the fact that he is treating the turtles badly. If he shows motivation to learn more about them, then that's great but if he doesn't, it's time to surrender the turtles

OP listened to the helpful advice. She and her BF had a conversation with his dad about the condition of the turtles. They have come to an understanding that will greatly improve the turtles' lives.

You have to be mindful of boundaries when you are temporarily living in someone else's home. OP accomplished two great things: she advocated for the animals and was careful enough not to trample over the dad's boundaries in his own home — it was a great outcome for everyone involved, especially for the 7 turtles.