20 Of The Worst Fast Food Worker Experiences That Prove Just How Customer Service Jobs Can Be Awful
From having to clean an entire CR filled with poo to having to stand in place while people yelled at them, fast food workers have a lot to endure.
- Published in Interesting
You might have heard a horror tale or two about fast food workers' experiences. And you might have even thought that it was just an exaggeration.
But no, oh no. When fast-food workers tell you stories about their job that seem too horrific to be true, best believe that they're real.
Because it's generally in customer service places like fast-food restaurants that you can see some of the worst in humanity.
And it's not even just the customers that you'll have to endure on a daily basis, no. You'll also have to deal with your managers and your coworkers.
To last long in places like those, you need to model yourself to someone like Mother Teresa or even the pope. The experience will definitely test you.
That's also why people who work in those places deserve a mad amount of respect. They go through so much every time they go to work and yet they still force themselves to treat others with respect.
Then again, it might be difficult for some to get a full picture of what they experience daily unless you work in one of those places. So here are a couple of stories that might give a clearer picture of the fast-food worker experience.
1. Some people really go out of their way to be horrible to other human beings
Whovianna ·2. Sometimes, restaurant policy can be ridiculous but customers can often be more ridiculous
blatently_blunt3. Who would think it was still worth it to not quit in this situation?
UsedPickle4. Playing nice and just trying to laugh off their rude behavior isn't equivalent to a much needed apology
semichaels5. This person's manager is what you call a top-notch manager
Trinkers6. Did the customers notice that their burgers were just a little extra smoky that day?
7heJoker7. No, soda does not just automatically clean the soda machine nozzles
EatSleepCryDie8. Of the two of them, it's clear who has more manners though
Saltwaterblood9. Those people's stomachs must have become immune to two-week old shrimp
seeseanyawn10. Oh that poor child will have a lot to learn when she grows a little older
internet_czar11. This makes us believe that some people who work there has had their souls sucked out a long time ago
digg_survivor12. Hopefully, someone cleaned that stuff up before using it for serving ice cream again?
SillyBronson13. Sometimes, you just can't please the customer no matter what you do
Jovian814. This lady was just caught red-handed and it's delightful
red_foreman12115. That's food contamination, isn't it?
Anonymous16. This is the reason we lose a lot of faith in humanity sometimes
Badassgypsy17. They know how dirty their floors are and they just don't care
snowiehair18. Seriously, don't people think before they speak?
yoyotman19. How is that shop not shut down? And how are they not caught doing that kind of stuff? Somebody could get really sick.
Lovecraft4220. How bad do things get at fast food restaurants that they actually have hazmat bags prepared just in case?
PolloPicanteWell, some of these stories were quite something. They really take a moment to digest.
Seriously, fast food workers really deserve a raise. Just by those stories, we can already say that their job is one of the hardest to do in the world or at least endure.
We hope people would start treating them with more respect. That's the least they deserve for dealing with the worst of humanity.