Fascinating Facts About Life That You'll Definitely Want To Remember

Mental life hacks? Yes, please!

Fascinating Facts About Life That You'll Definitely Want To Remember

Life is full of mysteries and details and truths a thousand times over and then some. You could spend every minute of your entire life attempting to acquire knowledge and you still would not know absolutely everything. Of course, let's face it, not all information is created equal. Not everyone wants to cram their brains full of trigonometry. Rather, wouldn't it be more fun to learn a bunch of random stuff that may or may not be useful at any given point in your life? 

Think of these as interesting details to quip about at boring parties or small life hacks that might come in handy at some random, unexpected moment. If anything, you're guaranteed to walk away today knowing things you did not previously know and isn't that what life is all about?

In your lifetime you will meet 16 murderers.

I've got a hunch that you'll never look at your acquaintances the same ever again. In your lifetime you will meet 16 murderers.Daily Express

Your knuckles can solve problems.

Well, at least the problem of understanding how many days are in each month. Here's how: First, make a fist and start counting the months by knuckles. For each knuckle bump and gap you can assign a separate month. Next, count on one hand, then, after reaching the end, start again with the knuckles of the index finger. If the month is on the knuckle bump, there are 31 days, if it’s on the gap, the month contains 30 days or less. Your knuckles can solve problems.depositphotos


One 43 cm pizza is bigger than two 30 cm pizzas. This life lesson? Buy the bigger pizza for more yummy in your tummy. Pizza-pizza.Geekwire

Human saliva is incredible.

It contains opiorphin, which is a natural pain killer and has anti-anxiety and anti-depressant properties as well! If this isn't an argument to increase your licking habits, I don't know what is. Human saliva is incredible.Punjabi

One of a kind.

Every single time you shuffle a deck of cards you are the first person ever to have the cards in this specific order. Congratulations on your monumental achievement. One of a kind.Imgur

More great ways to use your hands for edcucational purposes:

You can measure angles with your hand and nothing else. You're welcome. More great ways to use your hands for edcucational purposes:Facecbook

Colors are complicated

There are colors that our brains literally cannot comprehend. They consist of shades which compensate for each other in human eyes, like red-green or yellow-blue. We learn in kindergarten that yellow and blue make green but the truth is that there is a specific color, our brains just cannot imagine it. Colors are complicatedAdobe

Goodbye tastebuds, my dear friend.

According to Steven Parnes, an ENT-otolaryngologist, by the time you are 60, you will lose half of your taste buds and the ability to tell the difference between sweet, salty, sour, and bitter products. Goodbye tastebuds, my dear friend.Diseasesdoctor

You are a star.

Astrophysicists have explained that we are all made of stardust. In fact, the very atoms that are now in our lungs, the carbon in our muscles, the calcium in our bones, and the iron in our blood all once existed inside of stars. When the stars exploded and the materials scattered they eventually, over billions of years, became us. You are a star.Metro

Pregnancy is so cool.

If a pregnant woman damages her internal organs the baby will send stem cells straight to any damaged spots to help speed up the healing process! Pregnancy is so cool.Reddit

Heart Versus Brain

Every day, our heart produces enough energy for a 19-mile truck trip, and the brain produces enough energy to light a 10-watt bulb. Heart Versus BrainGiphy

Senseless sleep

You cannot sense any smells while you sleep. Senseless sleepBustle

Seat wise.

The person sitting the closest to you on the left is the furthest from you on the right. Seat wise.Giphy

Traffic lights are enormous.

Thanks to the power of perspective most of us have no clue how big traffic lights actually are! Traffic lights are enormous.Reddit

An elephant never forgets.

An average cloud weighs close to 500 tons, or... 100 elephants! A storm cloud weighs the same as 200,000 elephants! Scientists were able to “weigh” a cloud by knowing its size and the approximate amount of water in it. An elephant never forgets.pbs

The friendship paradox:

In 1991, Sociologist Scott Feld counted the average number of friends that one person has and compared it to the number of friends of the friends of that person. The second number was always bigger than the first one, which means that your friends always have more friends than you do. This is where the friendship paradox comes from. The friendship paradox:Giphy

Just because you were born in the 90's doesn't make you a 90's kid.

However, if you WERE born in the 90's then you have lived in two millenniums, two centuries and three decades and you're not even 30 years old yet. That's actually pretty cool. Just because you were born in the 90's doesn't make you a 90's kid.Fanpop

Oxygen is multifaceted.

It is necessary for people to live, but it also oxidizes out cells which is what leads to aging. Blame your wrinkles on oxygen! Oxygen is multifaceted.Theawkwardyeti

You birthday isn't that cool.

In fact, your age is just the number of circles you’ve made around the sun. You birthday isn't that cool.Giphy