Homeowner Teaches An Entitled Family Lesson By Turning Her Sprinklers On When They Trespassed And Set Up A Midday Picnic On Her Front Lawn
"I am glad you showered them with hospitality."
- Published in Interesting
You have to rely on your own judgment when dealing with entitled adults who won't listen to reason. A homeowner had a little fun of her own when she saw a family lounging on her property without permission.
The OP used to live in a house that was situated a block away from a large public park. OP saw that two soccer games were well underway as she was leaving for the grocery store.
She got home around three-quarters of an hour later. There was a truck parked beside her property whose occupants were merrily having a picnic in her front yard.
There were two children chasing each other dressed in soccer uniforms. A large Doberman lying on a picnic blanket minding its own business.
The adults, who were presumably the parents, were setting up their family's lunch. OP parked on her driveway, got out of her car, and approached the family.
She asked why they were on her property. The mom haughtily responded, "What does it look like? We are eating lunch."
OP pointed out that they could have done that at the public park which was just a block away. The woman said it was more peaceful in OP's front yard.
OP was shocked by the woman's nonchalance. She told them that it was her property and they needed to leave.
Setting an example for her kids, the mom replied, "Go f*ck yourself, you little b*tch!"
u/SpookyGirl0123OP heard enough. She walked over to her tap and turned it on. It was attached to her sprinkler system.
u/SpookyGirl0123Their impromptu outdoor shower set the family running. The parents continued screaming profanities at OP and promised to "get" her.
u/SpookyGirl0123OP pulled the footage from her security camera and showed it to her neighbor who was a cop on duty that day. The parents were charged with trespassing.
u/SpookyGirl0123OP is such a compassionate neighbor for caring about the health of strangers during a hot summer day
UnderArmAussie, SpookyGirl0123That was a welcome they won't soon forget. OP definitely left a lasting impression.
WishiwashomeAside from OP, the real winner here is the dog who probably had a great time running around and snatching whatever food it could salvage
HockeyFan_32, PantherBrewery, L3m0n0p0lyAre there any sprinker systems you can activate remotely? It's a great way to make your property entitled-people-proof
Ragingredblue, SpookyGirl0123Ah, the curse of having a well-maintained lawn is attracting trespassers and careless pet owners
Revo63, SpookyGirl0123I doubt if they actually learned anything from their experience with OP's formidable sprinkler system. They probably still think OP is to be blamed.
MainEgg320Oh, poor you. Did you finally get the just consequences of your entitled actions? Let me shed a tear.
Phoenixwarrior4lifeUnfortunately for us, comeuppance enthusiasts, OP didn't share the security footage of the family running away from her undefeated sprinklers. We just have to believe that it was a hilarious sequence of events.
Maybe they will finally learn about respecting other people's properties thanks to that trespassing ticket. OP's encounter with these entitled parents won the hearts of many.