Bride-To-Be Excludes Family Member From Wedding, Faces Backlash From Grandma

Wedding drama unfolds!

Bride-To-Be Excludes Family Member From Wedding, Faces Backlash From Grandma

Weddings may be the most beautiful events ever, but they are also one of the most stressful ones to plan.

Couples need to decide what to wear, how much to spend, and who to invite, all of which may seem easy but often aren’t, as their choices may not go down well with some people.

The guest list, for example, is one of the most challenging things to put together, especially when organizing a small wedding. This is because having few guests means neglecting to invite some people.

While the bride and groom may be okay with the decision not to extend invitations to some people, their family members may not be.

We found one story on the AITA community on Reddit that paints a similar picture.

OP explained in her post that she was pretty close to her cousin, but she wasn’t as close to her cousin’s stepbrother. While she had her cousin as her bridesmaid, she didn’t invite her stepbrother to her wedding. 

When OP’s grandmother found out, she demanded that OP extend an invitation to her cousin’s stepbrother. However, OP refused to do this since the wedding was a small one.

OP’s grandmother contacted her fiancé to complain about this, and OP’s fiancé couldn’t agree more with OP’s decision. Her grandmother then began complaining about her to the other family members, leading OP to ask the AITA question.

Scroll down to see the verdict!

The story in detail...

The story in

OP explained that she's getting married. And she has chosen her 1st cousin to be one of her bridesmaids

OP explained that she's getting married. And she has chosen her 1st cousin to be one of her

OP sent out invites to her cousin's parents, but decided to leave out her cousin's stepbrother because she isn't very familiar with him. This, however, hasn't gone down well with OP's grandmother, who is demanding that OP should reconsider the decision to leave a family member out of her big day

OP sent out invites to her cousin's parents, but decided to leave out her cousin's stepbrother because she isn't very familiar with him. This, however, hasn't gone down well with OP's grandmother, who is demanding that OP should reconsider the decision to leave a family member out of her big

OP's grandmother tried to convince her fiancé to send an extra invite, but got turned down. Now, grandma has decided to report OP to the rest of the family for being "unreasonable"

OP's grandmother tried to convince her fiancé to send an extra invite, but got turned down. Now, grandma has decided to report OP to the rest of the family for being

Important edit


Let's see how the Reddit community reacted to the story:


"I personally wouldn’t invite someone I’d only met once to my wedding."

"Why was it okay for your sister to not invite him, but you're getting crap for not inviting him?"

"I don't get why people get so heated over someone not wanting to invite a person they don't have any kind of relationship with to the wedding they're paying!"

"NTA...ESPECIALLY considering step-bro's age + you don't know him."

"NTA. It’s your wedding."

"Grandma would be uninvited if she doesn't like the groom. She's not there to support the marriage."

"NTA. It’s your wedding so it is about you, no need to invite people you don’t want to"

"NTA Your wedding your choice on who to invite."

"You're having a small wedding you have no obligation invite anyone you're not close to."

"Your wedding your guest list. Granny can take a hike."

"You're NTA for not inviting a virtual stranger; that isn't even actually related to you."

The commenters believe OP is NTA. According to them, she has the right not to invite her cousin’s stepbrother to her wedding, especially since she barely knows him.

Some even suggested OP uninvite her grandmother from the wedding for making such a fuss. Afterall, granny doesn't like OP's fiancé.

Do you think OP should be excluding a family member from her wedding? Let us know in the comments below!
