Family Rivalry Sizzles As Redditor, Sister And Mom Exchange Words Over A Slice Of Pizza

One pizza, two sides, and three angry eaters.

Family Rivalry Sizzles As Redditor, Sister And Mom Exchange Words Over A Slice Of Pizza

When it comes to food, the fascinating thing is the different ways to eat one meal.

Several people have different food preferences. Some may like to add more spice to their food, while others prefer the opposite. They may also have different food pairings they love. 

Many things influence these preferences. For some people, it's their cultural background, while others choose to eat a certain way because of their health. 

Due to people’s different preferences, eating with others may be an issue, so people have to find ways around sharing a meal with family or friends.

We found a story on the AITA subreddit that tells a similar story.

OP shared that she and her mother hate onions on pizza, but her sister likes it, so when they ordered pizza one day, she opted to have one half of the pizza come without onions and the other half with onions.

When the pizza arrived, they all stuck to eating from their preferred side, but OP’s sister reached out to take a slice from the onion-free half.

OP stopped her sister from eating it, explaining that the slice was for she and her mother, and that eating it would force them to eat from the portion with onions. This upset her sister, who accused OP of being rude for "stealing food from her mouth."

OP then decided to bring the matter before the Reddit court for judgement. Scroll down to see the verdict!

Let's dig into the details

Let's dig into the

OP, her mom and her sister came together to eat an odd type of pizza to accommodate each person's preferences — onions on one half, while the other half was onion free. However her sister made an attempt to eat from both sides, leading to a confrontation that the Reddit community has now been forced to step into

OP, her mom and her sister came together to eat an odd type of pizza to accommodate each person's preferences — onions on one half, while the other half was onion free. However her sister made an attempt to eat from both sides, leading to a confrontation that the Reddit community has now been forced to step

Important edit


Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"Your sister got an entire 1/2 pizza for herself while you and your mom had to share a 1/2... and she STILL tried to eat your pizza?"

"NTA...If you can eat anything and know others are limited, don’t take from the only food they can eat!"

"This is wild that she would try to eat from the non-onion side when there is still pizza on her side."

"NTA...If you request toppings on a pizza you should ONLY be eating that unless everyone else is eating the topping pizza as well"

"Sister is being greedy. She already has half a pizza to herself and she wants more?"

"She's already getting the lion's share of pizza...Trying to take from the other side is so selfish of her."

"If half a pizza isn't enough for her, then she can order and pay for another pizza for herself"

"Accusing someone else of 'taking food out of my mouth' when they are clearly the person doing so is an entry level manipulation tactic."

The commenters believe that OP didn't step out of line by scolding her sister. Some people stated that her sister shouldn't have made such a greedy move, especially since she knew OP and her mother’s preferences.

Some commenters also shared similar experiences, proving that food squabbles are quite common among family members.

We'd love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments below.
