Woman Writes Info Pamphlet For Her Family After Organizing Date On A Family Vacation

These should be mass produced and sent to parents everywhere

  • Published in Funny
Woman Writes Info Pamphlet For Her Family After Organizing Date On A Family Vacation

The dating game is a tough one. Being single and ready to mingle is a mine field of anxiety, self doubt and stress. Trying to find the right person is hard enough, but then you have to convince them that YOU are the right person for THEM.

Ugh, what a nightmare. Imagine what would make this even worse? Going on a date while on a family vacation. Imagine the scrutiny, the questions, the added levels of stress and spotlight of attention!

That's where comedian Mary Beth Barone had a genius idea. Stave off the hungry info hunters you call a family with this handy info pamphlet! See below.

Mary Beth Barone

Mary Beth Barone

While on a family vacation in Florida, Barone organized to meet up with a guy she had met at a wedding as he lives in Miami. Knowing that her family would pry her for information she decided to just make this handy info packet for her family to get it all done in one go.

I love it already.

I love it already.



