They say you shouldn’t trust anything you read on the internet and I can’t really agree with this statement more. Anyone can share anything online, and as long as they don’t have any proof to back it up, there isn’t any reason for anyone to trust any of it.
People lie on the internet for multiple reasons, some are just attention seekers that want people to interact with them and basically donate some likes their way, and some want to give the impression that there’s something special about them. But in reality, they’re only lying because their reality is not as interesting as the fake personality they’re adopting.
Similar content is available all over the internet, liars don’t really care about the specifics, as long as the particular social media platform they chose has a big enough audience that can be baited into thinking their bs is real.
You will often find social media users calling these people out on their lies, but it rarely changes things because some people are simply gullible and will believe anything as long as it’s somehow worded correctly and captivating. Scroll down and check out the posts below to get a better understanding of the whole concept of fake stories.
1. Yeah that should definitely make your child smarter.
Liars will always lie because that’s just what they do. Their lives are so uninteresting that they feel like they should give us a sneak peek of the fake lives they’re living inside their heads. It’s so sad to see things like this but it’s also quite entertaining.
These people were either telling these lies so much that they started to believe them or they simply think that people are that gullible.
Either way, there’s no way in hell that most of the stories above happened but at least they are giving us something to cringe about and entertain ourselves with.