Spooky Photos From Once-Popular, Now-Abandoned Fairytale Forest In New Jersey

Fairy tale forest theme park in New Jersey.

Spooky Photos From Once-Popular, Now-Abandoned Fairytale Forest In New Jersey

If someone were asked to imagine a mystical forest realm, they might envision Transylvania or a fictional European-like setting from ancient tales. However, Oak Ridge, New Jersey, would likely not feature on that list. 

Yet, for a span of nearly half a century, this unlikely location was home to the enchanting Fairy Tale Forest theme park. This magical haven captivated the young hearts of rural New Jersey, weaving a tapestry of imagination and wonder until its closure in 2005. 

In the years that followed, the park fell into oblivion along with its once vibrant stories and attractions. Still, all hope was not lost for those who yearned to see the park's former glory.

Luckily, a Redditor with the username PennyLaane bravely ventured into the forgotten land, armed with nothing but a camera. Her mission was to capture and share whether the essence of magic that once permeated the air of Fairy Tale Forest still remained amidst the ruins. 

Through her lens, we are offered a rare opportunity to see beyond the veil of time and question if the magic of enchantment that once animated this space can ever truly fade away. Below, you can see photos of this once-magical place and remember its enchantment.

Fairy Tale Forest, once a bustling theme park in Oak Ridge, New Jersey, was founded by German immigrant Paul Woehle in 1957.

Fairy Tale Forest, once a bustling theme park in Oak Ridge, New Jersey, was founded by German immigrant Paul Woehle in 1957.Reddit

Currently, the park stands empty, yet Woehle’s handcrafted structures still retain much of their original color and charm.

Currently, the park stands empty, yet Woehle’s handcrafted structures still retain much of their original color and charm.Reddit

Motivated by his mother's storytelling of ancient fairy tales to him and his siblings, Woehle was determined to make those stories come alive for New Jersey's children.

Motivated by his mother's storytelling of ancient fairy tales to him and his siblings, Woehle was determined to make those stories come alive for New Jersey's children.Reddit

For many years, the park was a cherished destination for families.

For many years, the park was a cherished destination for families.Reddit

Woehle died in 1994 at the age of 96, after dedicating his life to the creation of his dreamland, completing a significant mural for it at 80.

Woehle died in 1994 at the age of 96, after dedicating his life to the creation of his dreamland, completing a significant mural for it at 80.Reddit

The park was inherited by Woehle’s granddaughter, Christine VanderPloeg, who updated it for its 40th anniversary in 1997.

The park was inherited by Woehle’s granddaughter, Christine VanderPloeg, who updated it for its 40th anniversary in 1997.Reddit

Sadly, the park permanently closed its doors in 2005.

Sadly, the park permanently closed its doors in 2005.Reddit

A local storage business purchased the property, leaving behind only a handful of the original attractions.

A local storage business purchased the property, leaving behind only a handful of the original attractions.Reddit

Despite the impacts of weather and vandalism on some buildings, it's amazing that much of the Fairy Tale Forest is still intact.

Despite the impacts of weather and vandalism on some buildings, it's amazing that much of the Fairy Tale Forest is still intact.Reddit

It's quite remarkable that PennyLaane managed to enter and photograph the interior, given the property's reputation for tight security.

It's quite remarkable that PennyLaane managed to enter and photograph the interior, given the property's reputation for tight security.Reddit

The journey through the remnants of Fairy Tale Forest, as captured by PennyLaane, transcends mere nostalgia. It serves as a reminder of the lasting power of imagination and magic in the human spirit. Despite the course of time and the inevitable decay of physical objects, the essence of wonder that once thrived in Oak Ridge, New Jersey, continues to inspire.

Through these photographs, we're reminded that while physical structures may succumb to decay, the stories and memories they housed remain eternal in our hearts, urging us to believe in the possibility of magic hidden in the most unexpected places.
