30 Images Of Grammar Rules That Numerous People Keep Getting Wrong Have Been Shamed By Redditors
Are these grammar rules that everyone should know about AND follow? You decide.
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Isn't it odd that people figure out how to use a particular language to speak with others without being expected to invest that much effort? But if we really want to read and write or to perfect that language and make our phonetic capacities more sophisticated, then we really need to study and understand the language.
Even if one started out strong and was able to comprehend others during their childhood, one can also go through years learning the same language at school. However, in the end, not every individual will figure out More info: Reddithow to completely acquire it.
Individuals who are more sensitive to languages are often irritated by the errors that others make when communicating or writing in a language, particularly in the English language. You can see that it truly shows in a particular Reddit thread where an individual asked the r/AskReddit community "What is something that most people don't use correctly?".
And as you can already tell, a large part of the responses are comprised of Redditors naming words that are misused and grammar mistakes made by others. We have gone ahead and gathered some of the best replies given by Redditors in response to this question.
Oh, a quick one—don’t be surprised to see something that you might have been using wrong. So keep scrolling and enjoy.
More info: Reddit
There Are Certain Grammar Rules That Many People Fail To Use Correctly
Martha Soukup1. I don't care.
Ok_Party80532. Of does not equal have.
d**klong253. Why did you lose? Or why did you loose? Hmm...
Ghostitron208974. It should be "This is too boring"
Neollia105. Pluralization of something uncountable make it countable
Cdesese6. But if you match it hard, then you break pedal... Lol
millenniumxl-2007. Blown off...
tee1420028. People do get these two mixed up sometimes
Bunnnnii9. You have more apples than me. Then... Oops!
Vivus_Mortuus10. Ah! This gets me all the time...
Warpmind11. No idea why people mix these up
grumpyoldmanBrad12. When you are a part and when you are apart...
sheinvitedthewildin13. Anyway, thanks for the tip
SyxEight14. Literally speaking...
JoshdaBoss123415. I'm part of the people *closes door*
W0nk0_the_Sane0016. You payed for it... Darn it!
D3ATHfromAB0V3x17. Lol... Why would anyone say "exspecially" over "especially"
Objective-Highlight418. I'm definitely going to look this one up
C0deMasterYT19. The man/men versus the woman/women
AtomBombBaby4204220. This is where I pack my bags and I exit the grammar building
NikkieBikkie642521. I am so weary of the misuse of homynyms
Lexi_Banner22. Okay, I'm going back to English classes...
Apprehensive-Star-4523. Grammer... Grammar... *Signs*
Emny4524. Barley grinds my my gears
Sss0009925. "Begs the question" doesn't mean to raise the question...
DJPho3nix26. Kill me already
Bubbaganewsh27. You can't eat your cake and have it too
Legal-Knievel28. Every single one of it...
No-Incident-795729. My oh my...
CptnSAUS30. Just keep adding all the "s"
GothamGreenGoddessSome people will be like "so long as you understand what I’m saying, I’m okay with it," but these people are clearly irritated by these errors. And besides, we learn every day, so we can certainly pick up and correct an error to avoid misusing words.
Did you notice a word or words that you may have been misusing? Do share them with us below.