Really Cool Facts About The Current and Past State of Film

The more you know.

Really Cool Facts About The Current and Past State of Film

Can you imagine life without movies? You just can't because it's been a crucial part of the American experience, or rather the human experience for the past 100 years.

People have been obsessed with the silver screen since forever, everyone wants to become a movie star because it's just something eternal that will make sure your legacy never dies, forever. Movies teach us a lot of important lessons, even though we end up forgetting about them right after the credits roll out, but you still get to experience various lifetimes and live entire adventures as if you were actually there in person.

Straight from the source

 Straight from the sourcedidyouknowblog



Really clever

 Really cleverdidyouknowblog

As realistic as possible

 As realistic as possibledidyouknowblog

The things we never notice

 The things we never noticedidyouknowblog

It's all connected

 It's all connecteddidyouknowblog

The quickest movie in history

 The quickest movie in historydidyouknowblog

I guess we're just gonna have to wait

 I guess we're just gonna have to waitdidyouknowblog

That's so specific

 That's so specificdidyouknowblog

Way ahead of their time

 Way ahead of their timedidyouknowblog