There's A New Terrifying Trend Where People Face Swap Their Tattoos And It's Way Too Disturbing
Face swapping is a fun activity until it involves tattoos

Face swapping is a fun activity that you can with friends, it's always so hilarious to see yourself in another person's body and it never fails to make both parties giggle uncontrollably. Some people have even attempted to face swap their pets and the results were quite disturbing.
Most people start doing the most random things when they have nothing else better to do, and since boredom is the mother of invention, they sometimes end up discovering something no one has ever thought of before. This time, some people were playing around with their phones and ended up face swapping their tattoos, and the results are honestly quite unsettling.
1. I hate everything about this

2. It took over his body

3. He nailed the expression

4. Oh god, please no

5. This is silly and disturbing at the same time

6. This one is tolerable

7. Everything about this picture is unsettling

8. She lost all her hair

9. What a nightmare

10. A devil child

11. Only one of them seems concerned about what just happened

12. This one actually looks pretty good

13. A super realistic tattoo

14. "I finally gained control over this body"

15. He should've face swapped with that picture behind him

16. The f**king antichrist
