51 Interesting And Eye-Opening Psychology Facts Shared By An Instagram Page Dedicated To Mental Health
By raising awareness, this and similar pages create a positive attitude toward mental health. Here we have gathered some interesting psychology-related facts, shared by @psychologyposts_.
- Published in Interesting
Mental illnesses affect people of all ages. And someone you know may be suffering from them.
Sadly, not all people get treated even if it's the best decision for their well-being. That's because people who suffer from mental illness are stigmatized by society.
Despite the increasing awareness, the negative perception of mental illnesses remains strong because of the lack of knowledge as well as the portrayal of media. In the end, people with mental illness refuse to seek proper treatment.
More people need to understand that having a mental illness doesn't equate to being crazy. They also need to understand that with the right treatment, people with them can still live normally and healthily.
Let's further expand our knowledge about mental health with nuggets of information from the Psychology Posts Instagram account. It has simple tips about having a healthy mind.
Aside from mental illness being common in the USA, the driving force behind this page is the owner's curiosity about psychology and their personal mental health problems. Psychology Posts shares information on a wealth of topics relating to the human mind.
From the signs of specific disorders to simple tips for keeping a healthy mind, it helps people become aware of the struggles of people with mental conditions. We've compiled 51 of the most interesting posts below.
The reality of depression
psychologyposts_It's important to allow people to be sad.
psychologyposts_It takes a lot of strength to recover.
psychologyposts_Get away from negative people.
psychologyposts_Laziness isn't always the reason.
psychologyposts_The benefit of having pets
psychologyposts_Nothing's wrong with standing up for yourself.
psychologyposts_Be kind to yourself.
psychologyposts_Happiness can come from just chilling at home.
psychologyposts_If you love the sound of the rain, this is you.
psychologyposts_Don't require friends to reply to you in an instant.
psychologyposts_Awareness and understanding will end the stigma.
psychologyposts_The real reason why people go into therapy
psychologyposts_Do not breed overthinkers.
psychologyposts_Never lose yourself for the sake of others.
psychologyposts_The reason not to take things personally
psychologyposts_Sarcastic friends
psychologyposts_Respect your boundaries by speaking up.
psychologyposts_Live a healthy life by doing this.
psychologyposts_Don't expect anything in return. You'll get disappointed.
psychologyposts_Childhood trauma doesn't always originate from families.
psychologyposts_Learn about the Dunning-Kruger effect
psychologyposts_Always be kind to children.
psychologyposts_Nothingness > Your Phone
psychologyposts_The impact of fathers who do chores at home
psychologyposts_Every person makes a difference in this world.
psychologyposts_Why it hurts to be ignored by the person you care about
psychologyposts_Take lots rest when mental health is taking a toll on your physical health.
psychologyposts_Normalize, not romanticize mental health problems.
psychologyposts_Always take that first step to make you feel better.
psychologyposts_Apologizing isn't a sign of weakness.
psychologyposts_Do you still feel tired after sleeping for long hours?
psychologyposts_Overthinking isn't always a bad thing.
psychologyposts_The benefit of the color blue
psychologyposts_Trust the seed that you planted in yourself.
psychologyposts_The reason to marry your best friend
psychologyposts_Laughing more is good for you.
psychologyposts_Even happy people can suffer from mental illnesses.
psychologyposts_Why music is important
psychologyposts_Secure vs. Insecure
psychologyposts_Stop saying bad words.
psychologyposts_Get away from toxic people, even if they're your friend.
psychologyposts_Stress isn't about what comes to your life, it's also about what you're not doing in life.
psychologyposts_Shy people are excellent observers.
psychologyposts_Why older people can't keep up with the latest music
psychologyposts_The advantage of getting easily distracted
psychologyposts_Living close to the ocean is good for your well-being.
psychologyposts_Developing your vocabulary will help you understand yourself more.
psychologyposts_What men value vs. What women value
psychologyposts_Wake up an hour earlier. It's good for you.
psychologyposts_Mental health also needs to be taught in school
psychologyposts_Let's make the stigma connected to mental illness disappear. Share the things you know about mental health with more people.
You don't need to do a lecture on how the brain works. Even random facts — just like what Psychology Posts shares — are enough to educate people.
By diminishing the stigma, we can help more people seek proper treatment.