30 Common Things In Europe That Just Weird Out Americans
Their cup of tea is just different from what Americans know.

When we think about traveling, we often envision beautiful views, trying out various restaurants and local cuisine, and checking out local attractions. There is more to traveling than that, however.
One of the beauties of going to a new place is discovering how they do things over in that side of the world. By exposing yourself to these different customs, you get a chance to reflect on your own customs, beliefs, and attitudes and reevaluate them.
With that, you also get to realize that life doesn't always have to be the way you grew up to believe. There is so much more than other people from other parts of the world can teach you if you let them.
In an attempt to see what European beliefs, customs, or lessons stuck with American visitors, Reddit user AppleberryJames asked the community what are the biggest culture shocks they had when they visited the Old Continent. And Americans delivered.
Their answers range from funny mishaps to the discovery of pricey tourist scams. Keep reading on to discover what they've learned from their trips.
Who knows? You might learn a thing or two to watch out for on your next trip to beautiful Europe.
1. Their excellent health care system is probably one of the reasons people are happier there

2. They don't let their deaths be forgotten

3. This makes dining out a lot more memorable and special

4. Better that than hearing sirens

5. It's sad how this isn't normal for many parts of the world

6. No need for some dumb show of power and authority to get the point across

7. The kind of history you experience in Europe is just something else altogether

8. Can't let any precious sun go to waste

9. That is indeed quite the luxury

10. Just think about how much this person saves for something that they need to survive

11. Big Bird knows what's up

12. In other parts of the world, the death of a person is announced through the newspaper

13. Sadly, scammers are the one downer in beautiful places in Europe

14. That way, people actually put the freaking carts back in place instead of just leaving them lying around like they do in the US

15. Both parties are trying to be more polite in this situation

16. It's probably because not everything is as oversized as they are in the US

17. Public transport systems are certainly one thing the US should invest in more

18. These cafes after dark seem like a fun idea

19. It seems that people often forget that Europe is basically where English came from

20. Americans are not the only ones mind-blown by this fact. Basically the rest of the world is.

21. You gotta pee when you gotta pee

22. The city isn't as glamorous as it seems

23. Pay and poo

24. Nobody angers a man who has to answer nature's call

25. To them, it's a right of life

26. In the States, orange juice is all just flavored powders

27. People in Prague take their chocolate penis jokes seriously

28. Their drivers are a lot more disciplined

29. Perfect for single dads looking for a little relief we guess?

30. They love their pharmacies very much

It's interesting to know about these little culture clashes and it gives us a glimpse of how people in that corner of the world live their daily lives. It also gives a heads up to people intending to go there so they won't get the shock of their lives when they experience those things firsthand.
